Tuesday 27 November 2012

Over Done It

I'm ill. I have a really bad case of man flu. I am loosing the ability to do anything except groan and feel sorry for myself. I literally had the worse nights sleep of my life last night. Kept coughing and sneezing, ugh :(
Luckily Ryan was to the rescue and brought me nasal sprays and flu tables and heat pads as my back is sore too. Plus I had some Ben and Jerry's ice-cream left over so I pigged out on that. He kept me company and we have started watching The Walking Dead. So many people have told me to watch it and I have finally gotten round to it and it's awesome. Can't stop watching!

It was Mums birthday last Thursday so for a surprise I went home a day early. Parents were at Cathy and Lee's so I told them and they helped me surprise them. It worked really well! We scoffed down some cake and had a nice chin wag.
Friday, my plans at home fell through in the evening so Ryan kindly came and picked me up from home, took me back to Wycombe and we had a night out at the SU at the silent disco. We went to Cheryl and Jason's before where we played beer pong and I ended up consuming an entire bottle of wine. Needless to say I was pretty drunk.

Saturday Ryan dropped me back home and I spent the afternoon helping mum with stuff in the loft. In the evening the parents and I went to Prezzo in Uxbridge for mums birthday dinner. It was so scrummy!

After we went to the Met for a few drinks, Faye joined us for a bit before her shift. They all then went and I met up with Dan, Lee and Rhys. A night out with the guys was interesting, lots of talk about porn stars and football, them rubbing it I didn't go Warped Tour and Dan getting slapped in the face a lot by his cousin. It was an awesome night and of course, drunken Subway on the way home.

Was feeling quite worse for wear Sunday but managed to drag myself out of bed and look presentable enough to leave the house. Gave some things back to Ian briefly and then Mum dropped me back in Wycombe.
So after a busy, alcohol fueled weekend my body has given up and now I'm ill :(
Back to feeling sorry for myself and Walking Dead.

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