Thursday 1 November 2012


Halloween party last weekend was amazing! It was probably the best house party I have been too. Loads of alcohol, great people and brilliant costumes. Had such a laugh. I threw up from downing a tabasco shot which was not good, Laura had set out loads of games, including shot roulette and chocolate covered apples or onions, both of which I lost :/

Yesterday was Halloween so yet again we all dressed up and attempted to go to the SU for Frat House but it was packed. Seriously never seen it that packed before. Plus it was chucking it down with rain so we all got soaked. We ended up going to the Gob and having a great time. Many jager bombs were brought to cheer me up and soggy cheesy chips on the way home.
The housemates and I had a little pumpkin carving competition.

I went to the fancy dress shop the other day, wasn't intending on getting anything as I was still intending on using my doll costume but I came across the most beautiful cat mascaraed mask. I'm in love! So I wore that yesterday and have another few Halloween outings that I intend to wear it to :)

Rest of the week has been spent doing uni work and going out with friends, just generally trying to keep myself occupied and happy. Have a week off next week, not sure what I'm going to do yet but I should really fill it with doing more uni work.

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