Friday 26 October 2012

Back and Forth

I have finished my essay! So glad it's out of the way now and I can just relax. Wrote the end of it today with a massive hangover which wasn't fun. Met up with Keri yesterday for a catch up at the Met, we were then joined by Faye, Sarah and Dan. Dan and I then went to the Yarn to see some others while the rest went home. Later went to the Electric Lounge and got very drunk. I ended up crying in the middle of the club and then getting really pissed off because all of the food outlets were closed... what a state. 

Went out in Wycombe to the Lope on Wednesday with a few people. Spent the walk home chasing after Mikey bare foot as he had stolen my shoes. Ryan very kindly gave me a lift home Thursday so he met the parents and we had tea at my house.
Today is my wonderful cousins 18th birthday so this evening was spent eating cupcakes and having a good catch up with her and the family at her house. 

Have a halloween party tomorrow that I am SO excited for! Dressing up as a puppet doll, was experimenting with make up the other day. 

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