Sunday 14 October 2012


The past week hasn't been the best to say the least. I don't really want to delve into details as I don't think I have fully accepted it yet. So the past week has been spent eating lots of comfort food, drinking my troubles away and realizing I have the best friends which I am so grateful for helping me through this very hard time.

I went home this weekend to sort out some things and my parents did their very best to cheer me up. We had a lovely outing to Richmond and walked along the river and had lunch at an amazing German restaurant where we stuffed our faces with beer, sausage and sauerkraut.

In the evening I met up with some friends. I was really worried about going due to recent events but I had an amazing time and realized I have nothing to worry about when it comes to loosing them :)

 Today was spent nursing my hangover and looking through my dads collection of crystals so I can use them in my latest uni project.

I am now back in Wycombe and am trying to take my mind off things by watching back to back episodes of Pretty Little Liars.
I really hope things feel better soon as everything I look at tortures me and just makes me want to break down. However painful it is, I know I've done the right thing.

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