Wednesday 3 October 2012

No internet

My humblest of apologies for the severe lack of posts but unfortunately my new uni house still doesn't have internet. I was going to try and update when I visited home but I was a bit busy watching 14 hours of Marvel films and scoffing my face with pizza and sweets.
SO much has happened in the past month and all has been amazing. I have moved into my new house with Lucinda and Rebecca and it's going great. It's really homely and clean and we cook once a week for each other with is lovely. 
First week of freshers was amazing, met loads of new people which was great and now knuckling down to some work. First project is brilliant, get the chance to create a piece that could be sold at a museum.

There is literally so much that has gone on that it has all molded into one. I shall do a photo post next time I get the chance to use the internet because as always I photograph everything so hopefully that shall tell the story of my past month :) 
Unfortunately we are not expected to get internet for another 2 weeks so there may be a delay :( 

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