Monday 22 October 2012


I ended up going bowling Thursday evening with Ryan, Sammy and Luke. I lost on both games by a considerable amount, not surprising really, I haven't played for years and I was never that good anyways but I had a great time. The night then continued til 4am driving around the Wycombe area which was so much fun!
The weekend was pretty shit. Packed up loads of Ian's old stuff which was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I hated being back, everything reminding me of times I thought were perfect and seeing him again made me realize something I really didn't want to realize. I also had to write some of my essay which is never fun but I got quite a lot done which I'm pleased about. Will be going back home during the week to finish it as I concentrate so much better there. 
Sunday morning was spent at the hospital visiting Lee. He is doing so well and putting on a brave face considering what he's been through. It was nice to see him and Cathy again, hopefully next time it will be back at home rather than in a hospital. 
After a lovely steak dinner I headed back to Wycombe. I met up with Ryan and we went to the cinema to watch Looper. It was amazing! His impersonation f Bruce Willis was brilliant and it was a very clever story line. 
Today was again a visit to the cinema to watch Frankenweenie. It was fantastic!! So funny. So clever. So Burton. The rest of the evening has been spent being productive at uni work and watching PLL. 
Just started watching the last episode of season 2 and it froze :/ It's soooo good and I NEED to know what happens!  

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