Tuesday 13 November 2012

Lots of food and the odd bit of exercise

Yesterday was the deadline for my project so the majority of last week was spent frantically trying to get work done. I treated myself to the most amazing milkshake I have every had!

Luckily all work was completed in time and I feel it went pretty well. Everyone's ideas were brilliant and it was so good seeing peoples designs and proposals.
After the presentations we had a 3 hour break before we had the introduction to our new project. So being the good students we are we went to the SU for a beer and a burger, which then turned into about 3 beers. Needless to say we all got a bit giggly by the time we had to go back to uni. When it was finished we went back to the SU, then to the pub. After picking up some pizza on the way home, the girls, Lucinda, Caz and I all slobbed out on the sofa and watched Anchorman  and Chicago, both of which were quoted along to. By the time they had finished Rebecca and I were suffering from a hangover so went to bed.

The parents brought my bike and wellies up Sunday and came round for a cuppa before we headed to The Polecat for a bit of lunch for my granddads birthday. I well and truly stuffed myself to the verge of popping. I had mackerel pate for starters, roast beef with yorkshire puds for main and an amazing white chocolate and lime cheesecake for pud, NOM!
Friday I also pigged out a bit and got probably the nicest sandwich I've had, bbq pulled pork. So good!

Taking advantage of having my wellies here and the weather being fairly nice today I went for a walk with Ryan. I realized how unfit I am whilst walking up a hill and feeling like I was going to die.

Have spent the evening eating my body weight in quavers and lilt and watching Once Upon a Time.
I'm getting my essay mark tomorrow morning, pretty excited actually, fingers crossed I did ok.

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