Wednesday 5 December 2012

Mulled Wine

I still have a bit of a sniffely nose but other than that I'm feeling much better. 
Went out for Beckie's Movember event at the Su last Thursday which was really good. Mikey got insanely drunk and decided to rummage through my bag and through my tampons around Ryan's car... then nearly squeezed me til I popped.
The Saturday was spent at Crash at the SU. As always an amazing night. 
Sunday was a hungover trip to the cinema with Ryan to watch Rise of the Guardians and Silver Linings, one after the other :) 

Had a night in with the girls Monday watching The Holiday, perving over Jude Law, drinking wine and feeling Christmasy :) 
Yesterday after a tiring day at uni the girls and I went to O'neils for our Christmas dinner and a glass of mulled wine. However they fucked up our order, missed out Rebecca's black pudding and didn't have what we originally wanted to order so we got free pudding, free wine and free mulled wine :) Amazing! 
Today I stupidly locked myself out of my house so had to be rescued by Ryan and played Plants vs. Zombies until housemates came back. When I eventually got back home the girls and I went to the cinema to watch Gambit. The rest of the night has been spent trying to keep warm and attempting work for my presentation tomorrow. 

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