Friday 4 May 2012

Amazing times

Saturday night was one of the best parties I have been to. It was amazing! It was hosted by my future housemate, Lucinda (pink hair). She had rented out a huge marque with a DJ and laser lights and so much alcohol and a BBQ and a silent disco and we all camped out in her garden, on the rainiest, windiest night so far this year, and I slept like a baby. I didn't realise how drunk I was until I looked through the photos the next day. Luckily her dad was there with tea and a bacon roll to cure the hangover. Rebecca then drove me back to the house where I proceeded to wait out the hangover.  

I have been back home the past 2 days and they were the loveliest couple of days I have had in a long time. Wednesday evening it was out for dinner with Ian and his parents, Tom and Lauren. We went to Lumbini's and it was gorgeous! The food was incredible, I can't wait to go again. Had such a lovely time with Ian's family and after a couple of bottles of wine I was feeling quite drunk. Ian and I then got a cab back to mine and we watched Fringe which has really confused the both us.
Thursday, mom and I wondered into Yiewsley to get some shopping from Tescos, she treated me to some lovely new bed sheets and the cutest owl candle holders :)

When Ian got back from work we headed into town for our date night. It was so special, he treated me so much :) We went to Pizza express, where of course we got dough balls and I got the caesar salad, nom!

We then went to the cinema to watch Avengers Assemble. Ian was so excited he kept squeezing me and making high pitched noises, kinda cute in a weird nerdy way :P
Needless to say the film was great! We then discussed how awesome it was and he told me all the cool references on the walk home. We then watched one of the best episodes of Castle before settling down to bed.
Today unfortunately I had to head back to Wycombe. Mom drove me to Asda where she brought me loads of yummy treats and then dropped me off at the house. When I unpacked everything I headed into uni where I found out my grade for my essay. I was 2 marks off a first! :/ It was still a high 2:1 and my tutor was really pleased with me but I was a bit miffed as last essay I got a good first.
Been lazing about in my room for the rest of the day watching Marvel films and eating prawn crackers :)

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