Monday 7 May 2012


Saturday night was Crash at the SU which is always great. I got ready and headed to Kris's, he had brought a shisha pipe so I went round to try it out. We had bubblegum flavour which was pretty good. We drank a little with everyone else and then all headed to the SU. We met up with a very drunken Beckie and a few others. Countless drinks were had and I fell asleep in the cab on the way back, embarrassing!

I have now completed all of How I Met Your Mother up to date! I can now watch the finale with Ian :)
Going to be heading home as soon as I can. Just realised  have about 12 days left of my project and I am no where near a final piece so I have to get my arse in gear.
Been trying to keep a bit healthier recently so eating fruit and exercising. Been noticing a few stretch marks and flabby bits, I think all my binging is finally taking it's toll, I know Jess and Han will be pleased about this, they always said it would catch up with me :P 

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