Tuesday 29 May 2012

Goodbye First Year, Hello Sunshine!

I have finally finished first year at uni! Had my final tutorial today and my tutor said I did pretty good, to be honest I don't have high expectations as I know I didn't do as much work as I should of. Hopefully that will push me next year to do more. Also I shall have my wonderful house mates on my course so that should motivate me more. Plus we now have a lovely house to live in!! So I can finally move out of that shit hole I have had to call home for the past 12 months. I've been pretty much living at home for the past week and slowing moving bits back here. We get to move into the new place on the 28th June so we can have it all over summer which means I can look for a permanent job there as unfortunately I didn't get the Topshop one.
It has been so lovely being back and I have had a few good outings. The parents and I went to Ken and Doreen's 50th wedding anniversary where we enjoyed some lovely food, catching up with old family friends I haven't seen since before I could walk and plenty of wine!

 The weather has been absolutely gorgeous the past few days. When I was in Wycombe I went over to Cakes as she had brought a paddling pool. We chilled out in the sun with a few others and enjoyed a few beers. I now drink beer. We then went to the SU and the Hobgoblin for a few more.

 I have been lazing out in the sun all week and have developed a little tan however I burnt a bit on my back and legs but it's gradually turning brown :)
Ian's parents had a BBQ the other day and my parents were invited too. As usual we scoffed some gorgeous food by Tom and drank plenty of booze.
Sunday the Granty joined the parents and I for a walk around Langley park. It was lovely, all the flowers were in bloom and the weather was perfect. However I hear it is meant to turn a bit rainy for the rest of the week :(

  Instagram - Fluffbums add me

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