Saturday 12 May 2012


I am now back at home, headed back Wednesday evening. Morgan and I went to the cinema before I came back. We watched the new American Pie, very funny :) 
Thursday afternoon I met up with Jess and Han for a spot of lunch at the Met. Was lovely to see the girlies again and have a good catch up. We wondered around the shops for a bit and I brought a new skirt which I intend on wearing for Lauren's party tonight.

Ian an I went on our date night yesterday evening. We went to the Malt Shovel and pigged out on some very yummy food.

We then headed home and watched Dawn of Dead with a bowl of popcorn.
Ian's headed off to the gym now so I'm just getting myself ready for tonight, I'm so excited! 
I had a bit of a spend up the other day and brought loads of new clothes as well as these babies!

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