Wednesday 16 May 2012

Ying and Yang

Since my last post my emotions have been so up and down. I shall get the bad news out of the way first; Mac passed away Monday morning. I am devastated. He was literally the best pet I could of ever asked for and I really doubt I will ever be able to find another cat like him. I loved him so much! He had been acting really wierdly for about week and wasn't eating or drinking so he lost so much weight and he wouldn't let any of us touch him which was so not like him. Mom took him to the vet and we found out he had been in a fight or something and his lip was torn away from his gum line and then got infected. They said that they could operate but he might not pull through and if he did he would have to be on a drip as he couldn't eat properly. Mom decided that the best thing to do was have him put down. Although I am still completely upset by the loss I agree with my moms decision and don't blame her at all as she was so worried I would. No cat could ever replace my little fluffbum and I miss him so much but I'm glad he isn't in pain any more.  

In happier news, Saturday night, Lauren's 21st, was amazing. I got to meet some of Ian's work friends and friends from his school. Had some really lovely chats with Sue and managed to stay in my gigantic heels all night even while dancing! :)
I returned back to Wycombe Tuesday for Cakey's birthday. It was a burlesque theme so I whacked out my corset. I felt rather inadequate next to Beckie and Cake as their boobies are HUGE! 

Had an amazing night although I probably drank a little too much considering I had a job interview today. YES,I had a job interview! And for Topshop! I feel it went pretty well and I am keeping everything crossed as I would really love this job. However if I don't get it I am still pleased that I managed to get to the interview stage and have my first ever interview. It has boosted my confidence a lot so now I wont be so nervous for any future ones :) 

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