Friday 27 April 2012

Cheesy Chips

So Wednesday it was back to good ol' home! I met Ian from work and then we made our way back to his where we watched Game of Thrones and ordered chinese :)
We then met Keri, Alun and a few others at the Met for an evening of drinkes. After playing ring of fire and consuming a good few pints we headed home, discovering on the way that half of the town centre had a power cut, including Liquid, that must of been fun.
Ian departed in the morning for work and left me in bed so when I finally awoke I headed back home to see the mother. We drank tea, ate some lunch and watched Real wives of Orange County, quality family bonding! Ian popped over for a bit after work and when I had hung around for as long as I could I got the last bus back to Wycombe.
After dropping off my stuff at the house I met up with Ryan and his housemate Gemma. We drank for a bit at the Falcon before going to the SU. We drank plenty and had a rather good evening. I then wondered drunkenly back to the house, cheesy chips in hand and then collapsed into bed and I haven't really moved since :)

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