Monday 5 March 2012

Home Sweet Home

Like most weekends of late I went home to spend time with Ian, the cat, parents and friends. As always this was perfect and I really hated coming home so I stayed an extra night and came back today.
Wednesday was a pretty fun night. I intended to go out for a quiet drink with Becky and ended up getting pretty sloshed and stumbelling home with cheesy chips in hand. I bumped into Rebecca at the SU, a girl on my course who had asked if I wanted to live with her and a girl called Lucinda. As my original plans of moving in with Cakey and Kris fell through I took her up on the offer. I don't now them too well but they both seem like nice, mature young ladies. To be honest anything could be better than here right now.
After my lecture on Friday I dashed to the bus stop and jumped on the first bus home. Ian came to mine straight from his first day day at his new job. I'm so glad he hasn't got the long commute any more, it will do him a world of good. After a nice cuppa we made our way to his where we had some dinner, got ready and then went to meet Lawson and some others for Lawson's birthday celebrations. We started at the Met and then onto the Treaty. It was an amazing night fuelled by many snakebites and berry bombs. The walk home was definitely the highlight though. Lee was wasted and seeing him jump into a bush, steal a kebab floor matt and have Ian carry him the entire way home was brilliant to witness.

Saturday it's fair to say I was feeling a little worse for wear. I spent the entire day in my jammys and curled up on the sofa in Ian's arms and him regularly bringing me glasses of water. I was feeling better for a chinese takeaway in the evening though so we devoured that and made our way through many Son's of Anarchy episodes.
Sunday I met up with Nick and Danny. A pair I haven't seen in quite some time. I was a little dubious of seeing Nick again as he has really pissed me off in the past but he was my best friend in high school and I had a lovely day catching up with them both. We had McDonald's for lunch and went to mine and watched Malcolm in the Middle.
Today I had uni and am now back at the house on my millionth strepsil as my throat is killing me and my nose wont stop running.
Thank you Ian for giving me your cold, you are such a generous boyfriend

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