Wednesday 21 March 2012

Dr Who?

I have a valid excuse for not blogging in over a week and this excuse is I have been watching Dr Who. Literally just finished the latest episode. Things make a bit more sense now.
The weekend was lovely, went home, spent time with Ian, ate a lovely roast, had a nice mothers day and got some work done.
Monday was back to Wycombe. Handed in my project brief and spent some time at the pub. Yesterday Shaun and I had to go to the police station to look at some photos of the clothes and the gun the guys were wearing when they tried mugging us. Found out we will probably have to go to court :( If they plead guilty then we don't and hopefully there is enough evidence against them that they will but the guy said it's unlikely they will :/ Have to go back next Tuesday to hand in a victim personal statement.

I fucked up my timings with my glass project. I thought we still had a week left but we don't. So I have been doing testers still thinking I had a week to make my final piece :/ Hopefully I can wing it as same of my testers came out pretty well but it's not exactly what I wanted.

Trying to convince people out tonight, I have been in bed all day and I need to get out. So looking forward to a weeks time when I am home for easter and I have the house free for a month, so party is in planning and I get to live with Ian. Perfection :)

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