Sunday 11 March 2012


Well I'm still pretty ill, nose is still running and my cough is horrendous. To add to me feeling shit, I was covered in beans and egg today in an attempt to empty the bin, as my house mates seem completely incapable of doing this task. So instead they squeeze everything in and balance everything on top until the bag splits. Also my brand new laptop, which parents dropped off yesterday, is fucked. It crashes every 5 minuets :(

In better news I went out on Friday night, got reasonably drunk, enjoyed some good music and some good company. Saturday My parents came round in the morning. They brought with them the laptop and popcorn :)
We then met up with my Granty and went for a pub lunch. Had the most sickly pudding ever and felt like my teeth were going to fall out. We then drank tea at his for a bit before heading back to Wycombe where my parents dropped me in town so I could do a bit of shopping.

I have been watching Doctor Who pretty much all day. Had a nice bubble bath and now enjoying a cup of hot chocolate before bed.

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