Tuesday 13 March 2012

Worst Day

So today has been the worst ever. To tell this story I shall venture back to yesterday.
I met up with Ryan and his house mate in the evening to have a few drinks as Ryan had had a shitty day and wanted some company. So we got him drunk. Very Drunk. Cakey joined us and shortly after we had to take Ryan home. Cakey and I then went to the Goblin for a few were we met Shaun. We stayed for a few drinks and then decided to head back. This is where things go badly wrong.
Walking home Shaun and I were followed by two masked guys. They started shouting at us and telling us to "hand over our shit". We turned around and saw that one of the guys was holding a gun. Fair to say I nearly shat myself. They continued to ask for our phones, bags etc. but we slowely backed off saying we were just students and didn't have any money. Luckily we managed to walk into a residential area and they realised we weren't going to hand anything over so they walked away. Shaun and I walked back into town and got a cab back. The cabby ripped me off a quid but I was in no mood to argue.
We called the police and they were at the house taking statements until 4am. They said they had picked up 2 guys matching our description and were now in custody. One who had a fake fire arms seized from him.
It proper shook me up. Thought I was ok until I got into bed and started thinking about what could of happened if...
I have never had anything like that happen to me before and although it was a fake gun it still scares the shit out me the type of people those two guys are. It petrifies me that people can be so fucking horrible to innocent people. Safe to say I shall never be walking home anywhere by myself ever again.

Also, my laptop has died. Brand new flipping laptop and it wont turn on as the battery died and it wont recognise the charger when it's plugged it. So that is now a second one that will have to be sent back :/
So because of all this I have just been in a shit mood all day and crying because I just want to go home. I can't express how much I hate it here. I used to like going out. Anything was better than staying in this shit hole of a house but now I'm scared to go out. I just want my Mom and Ian and my Cat.

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