Tuesday 28 February 2012


The past week at home was glorious. The birthday was spent with Jess and Han during the day, eating the glorious elephant cake they made me and watching Jeremy Kyle.

In the evening my parents, Ian and his parents all went to the Cafe Rouge. It was the first time they had met and all went really well. We had a really nice night and my belly was well and truly stuffed by the end. I got lots of lovely presents including clothes, money and Women in Black theatre tickets.
Friday it was out to the pub with a lovely bunch people. We spent most of the evening in the Yarn and there I got rather drunk. A couple of us then went to the Treaty. After a few shots of mini Guinness I threw up and was taken home by Ian.

I'm now back in Wycombe, missing waking up next to Ian every morning and hating the awkwardness in the house but other than that I can't complain.
Still haven't got my laptop, they did send one but the screen was broken so we had to send it back.
Birthday cake and pancake day.

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