Wednesday 15 February 2012


Unfortunately the lack of blogging has been down to my laptop dying on me. No idea what has happened to it, it just wont turn on. Yesterday Ian and his dad very kindly drove to Wycombe to drop off an old laptop I could use and Ian brought me some passion fruit cheesecake :)
After my presentation on Friday, (which went very badly so we wont talk about that) my aunt and cousin came to pick me up and we made our way to Hillingdon station. From there Morgan and I went to Wood Green, where at the Alexandria Palace we watched The Black Keys and Band of Skulls support. It was amazing!! Have wanted to see them for ages as they are one of my favourite bands and they did not disappoint.

The plan Saturday was to go out in the evening for a birthday but Ian's body decided to turn against our plans so instead he spent the evening throwing up and I went home. I watched Star Trek and ate popcorn with the parents so it was a pretty good evening after all.
Things with a certain female house mate have taken a turn for the worse recently. We haven't spoken in over a week and she hasn't even looked at me the past couple of days. Apparently, according to her and her stories, I am now a massive slut that has slept with numerous people in our group of friends to make other guys jealous... funny I thought that was her life.
To be quite honest I couldn't give a shit what she thinks or says about me, my true friends here have really helped me through everything and for that I am truly grateful. Just really thought when I first met her she would be one of those people, oh well better off without the bloody hassle. Fingers crossed I have a place secured for next year, just need to work out the finances and some finishing touches. I literally cannot wait to be out of this damp, cold, dirty, disgusting, awkward, childish and pathetic place I'm supposed to call home.
Monday, Ryan and I went to a few Weatherspoons as it was cheap night. We glugged down a few pints and had waffles.
Going back to Uxbridge tomorrow for a week. Literally cannot wait, and it's my birthday a week today, so excited about that :)

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