Monday 6 February 2012

Not to plan

I spent Friday evening at a party for my friend Laura's birthday. Becky, Zoe, Dave and the housemates all got a cab to the house.
The kitchen was filled with an assortment of booze, party poppers and balloons. Unfortunately I had to leave early so I got a cab back with Jess.

I was up at 7 in the morning to get ready and catch the bus to Uxbridge then to Ian's. We then made our way into London to watch The Muppets at the Prince Charles Cinema. We had a colour coded time table to mark out our plans for the day as it was going to be a busy one. First thing on the list when arriving in London was to get a chinese from China town. However after wandering around every street at least 3 times and every food outlet being closed we decided to get a McDonald's.

The Muppets was amazing! My cheeks hurt from laughing so much and there were some brilliant cameos.
After we wandered around town finding little antiques fairs and books shops and amazing old buildings. (We plan to do this again soon as it was so much fun.)

We had tickets to see Reel Big Fish in Reading in the evening and the plan was to get the train there after a wander around then get dinner in a place called Old Orleans. We found out the other day that this place had closed down so we were planning to find somewhere equally as nice. Ian then got a phone call from his mom informing us that Heathrow had cancelled a third of their flights for the evening so we decided it best not to go to Reading for the gig in case the trains were cancelled and we got stranded there. So instead we headed back to Uxbridge and went to Pangs for dinner as we missed out on a chinese meal for lunch. We then returned to Ian's in the snow and watched Drive with his parents. So although the day didn't go exactly to plan it was still an amazing day and I had such a great time :)

Sunday we attempted a snow man but lost interest very quickly. We just chilled the rest of the day stuffing our faces with some yummy food.
I am now back in Wycombe, had uni this afternoon and now just chilling at the house. Have a heater in my room now so it is pretty warm finally :)

The 30 Day Photo Challenge
Day 6: Makes You Smile

Nights out with these lovely ladies, couldn't find a photo with all of them together so you get two.

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