Monday 2 January 2012

Hello 2012

  • Drinking buddy of the year? - Faye. She is hilarious and lovely and very generous when it comes to booze. Haven't had a night out with her that hasn't been epic in some form.

  • Newest friend? - Jess Williams and Ryan O'Keeffe. Jess I live with and although things have been a bit off recently I still love her and we have had an amazing few months living together and I hope we can again next year. Ryan is in my seminar group and is the sweetest guy you could ever meet, we have such a laugh together and he aways knows how to make me smile.

  • Best night out? -Has to be Harry's 21st. I got to dress up, go to a place I have never been before and was yet still local, spent with a group of amazing people, got so wasted and ended up at the Treaty. Don't think I could ask for much more really.
  • High point of the year? - Seriously there have been so many! Magaluf was definitely up there along with seeing SOAD at Download. And moving out was a pretty big high.
  • Low point of the year? - Without a doubt breaking up with Ian. Although we are back together now this year has been so tough on us. I found out things that literally broke my heart and made me sick to my core. Thankfully things are well and truly on the up now, hopefully it can stay like this for the entirety of 2012.
  • Best holiday? - Magaluf. A week with a group of friends including my 2 favourite girls on the whole planet, sun, sea and sambuca. It was so much fun and I will never forget it.

  • Any regrets? - Same as last year, should of tried harder with uni work. I have just realised how much work I actually have to do now the xmas hols are coming to an end. I wish I had tried even harder getting a job as it would get my dad off my back and I would actually have money.

  • Most loyal friend? - Again the same as last year and I hope this will always be the same. Jess and Hannah. Although I have moved away they have always been there, even just for a chat or a comforting text. I love them so much.
  • Biggest change of the year? - Moving out. Being in a different zip code and being independent has been a massive change... and I love it. Although I dislike my house and miss people from home it was a good change and made me appreciate comforts of home.
  • What are your plans for next year? - Find a nicer, warmer less damp house to live in. Try so much harder with uni work. Get a job. Depending on both our financial status' go on holiday with Ian and keep things perfect between us. (Also try and cut down on the popcorn.)

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