Thursday 12 January 2012

Coming and Going

Well I am now back in Wycombe but heading back to Uxbridge again tomorrow. I have had nearly a week at uni in the new year and I'm already starting to hate it again. Have so much work to do and friendships seem to be deteriorating. However saying this I am realising the people I do and do not want to spend the next 3 years of my life with.
Ryan for example kindly invited me over for dinner and a catch up as he knows I'm not feeling to comfortable in my "home" surroundings. It was a really great night filled with a vegetarian jambalaya and watching amazing stage sets.
Last week I went out on Thursday with everyone as a last big night out before everyone left again for uni. I had such an amazing night which was heavily fueled by downing 5 shots in a row and countless jager bombs. I did however fall over pretty bad and fuck up my knee, now causing me to walk like a cripple. Nevertheless I had an epic time and I already miss everyone so much.

Since being in Wycombe I have been out most nights with various people, been called a bitch by someone I thought was a very good friend here and done the minimum amount of work, bad idea when I have my assessment in less than a week, hence why I'm going home this weekend so I can try and concentrate.

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