Tuesday 31 January 2012

Perfect Weekends

Ian came to stay over the weekend. As always we lazed in bed watching endless episodes of the countless tv programmes we have been sucked into.
Saturday evening however was spent at the SU watching Skindred. It was packed! The bands were awesome, booze was cheap and we got to the front :)

As a few people didn't get in we decided to leave during the after party and go to a house party with some others.
The next morning was spent doing very little and speaking in hushed tones.
I went out last night, wasn't meant to, I was all snugged up in bed when I got a text from Shaun saying he was at Goblin and that's where it all started. We drank a fair bit there until close and then thought it good idea to head back with Kate and Tom for a party. We had whiskey, beer and absinthe. Crawled in at 5.30 this morning. Slept straight through my alarm and woke up at half 1, missing all of uni :/

So instead I have been in bed all day doing odd bits of uni work and watching films.
My room is freezing. Seriously my fingers hurt typing this as it's so cold, I can see my breath and I'm dressed like this in bed...

Have a guy coming round Friday to hopefully fix the radiator but he came round the other day to try and no idea what was wrong with it so he is just going to replace it and hope for the best. Really hope it works soon because I can't stand this much longer :(

The 30 Day Photo Challenge
Day 4: Letterbox
Literally the only photo I have taken with a letterbox in and I have no idea where the nearest one to here is so this is all you're gonna get.

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