Monday 29 August 2011

Will you ever get it


I am sat in a room surrounded by boxes and a suitcase. I have started packing up my things. All of my clothes, shoes and some photos to remind me of good times :)
Friday evening was spent watching Brannigan's Law at the Trinity Bar. Keri came round for a while before Ellis picked us up. We had a long, confusing drive there in the rain but eventually found it.
When all of the bands finished a few people made their way to the Treaty. We all got pretty drunk as usual. Getting a kebab with Ian on the walk home seemed like amazing idea, which I very much regretted in the morning due to the flavour lingering about.
Saturday was planned to be a nice night in with a bbq, Dr Who and Ian. However due to my father being the complete psyhco he is, this didn't go to plan. Have never seen him flip out like that over nothing. Literally nothing. And then yelled at me in front of Ian while I was crying my eyes out.
Can't believe he did that in front of him, I was so embarrassed and shocked, but kinda pleased in a way that Ian could see it for himself and reassure me I wasn't overreacting and that he was in the wrong not me.
Ian whisked me away back to the safety of his house and ordered pizza and we made it just in time for Dr Who, which of course was amazing.
After returning home briefly and being blanked by my parents I quickly left and went to Faye's along with Luke. I had a pot noodle and some of the pizza they ordered. We then met up with a few people at the Met before going to the Treaty for the Laws second gig. Again got rather drunk and had a few random conversations with people.

Today I have been at Ian's watching films and eating fajitas. He now has a beardless face.
Lazing in bed with the cat at the moment not wanting to go to bed :/

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Loss of Memory and Orange Wednesday

Saturday evening was spent getting ridiculously drunk for the Sake of Harry's 21st. Pre-drinks were had mine as well as many bags of quavers. We then headed to Baroosh in town. Never been there before and other than the prices it was very nice. Got so drunk I don't remember leaving and getting to the Treaty. From there I vaguely remember having many chats with various people and getting my hand bitten by Chris.

After finding Ian, as he had wondered off, I started walking him home, periodically stopping for him to throw up. I then went my separate way and left Dan to take him the rest of the way as Ian didn't want me to stay at his due to his sate :P
The next day I woke up some time in the afternoon. I then went to Ian's and looked after him for the day while he recovered.
Yesterday I went to my house in Wycombe to move some stuff in to find that the landlord hadn't done any of the work he said he would do, like put in my double bed or clean the house. So I couldn't move my stuff in because I don't want it all about while he is moving shit around in my room. We have a week until we move in and he still hasn't done anything, I'm so angry. Jess sent the estate agents a very charming email so hopefully that will give them the kick up the backsides that they need.
In the evening I went to the Met with a few people to do the pub quiz. Of course we didn't win but there you go.
Today I got a few more bits for the house at Tescos. Went out for dinner with Ian at Pizza Express which was very yummy and nice to go out with the bf :) I then met up with some others and saw The Inbetweeners movie. It was so funny, nearly peed a little at some things. It was filmed in Magaluf so it brought back some awesome memories :)
Just waiting for Ian to finish watching a film with his dad at the cinema and then he is coming back to mine :)

Friday 19 August 2011


Tuesday evening I met up with housemate Jess. We went to a few pubs around Uxbridge and had some drinks. I spent the evening at hers as I didn't really want to go home as I was feeling pretty down.
Wednesday I was up nice and early and made my way back to Uxbridge as she lived in West Ruslip. Went round to Ian's and had a big chat. Spent the last few days there just patching things up and playing on their new Wii.
Jess and Han came over this evening. We watched Paul, ate popcorn and drank tea. Gonna miss those nights when I move out. Can't believe it's a little over a week away!

Monday 15 August 2011

The Good Times & The Bad

Friday was spent watching the most disturbing film I have ever seen with Ian and Dan. Keep having flashbacks when things remind me of it. It is called "A Serbian Film", don't watch it. Just please, don't.
Saturday I met my mom in Uxbridge to make our way to Camden. The trains were all pretty screwed up so we ended up getting the bus but we got there eventually. I brought some new earrings, a dress with cats on

and some huge sheets that I'm hoping will cover up the hideous wallpaper in my new bedroom. It has elephants on.
After the traditional chinese lunch while sat by the canal, we made our way home. Just spent the rest of the day with Ian, and Sunday, watching movies.
Saw Jess today for a bit. We watched Jeremy Kyle and had a nice chat over some tea. Found out I have summer project to do for my course which starts in like a little over a month. Other people on my course found out earlier and have started so I'm already behind :/

Feeling pretty weird today. A mix of emotions. One minuet I'm all talkative and the next I just want to lay in my room curled up on my bed in silence. I guess somethings playing on my mind and I can't quite figure out what I want to do about it. There are so many pro's and con's to both sides. I just don't know which choice I would be happier with. I know what people would say but they don't know how I'm feeling. There's only one person that truly understands what I'm feeling and why and I just can't talk to them about it because it's not right to involve them into my deliberation.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Afternoon tea and a bottle of malibu for dinner

Tuesday I went into town in the afternoon and met up with an old uni friend, Emily. We had a Starbucks and a good catch up. The few friends I actually made on my foundation course are pretty cool, kinda miss seeing them and messing about in the studios.
The rest of the day was spent on the sofa drinking tea, eating popcorn and watching telly with my mom.
Wednesday I was up nice and early to go into Sainsburys and pick up any last bits we needed for the tea party. When I got home I helped tidy up the house and garden and set the tables and make sandwiches. People started arriving and we all sat out in the garden and quickly started devouring the food. Jess, Han and I went inside once we were stuffed and watched Jeremy Kyle and Come Dine With Me. I drank a little too much Pimms and got quite tipsy. By the time everyone had left I was getting a bit of a hangover :P

In the evening I went round to Ian's and tried to convince him to come to Ellis's party but that didn't turn out to plan but Lawson said I should still go. Really happy I did because it was an awesome night. Drank a whole bottle of Malibu to myself (my poor liver) talked for hours with Rea on the comfiest rocking chair and saw the best impression of a t-rex ever! Eventually went to bed at half 6 in the morning. Woke up to the smell of bacon and Lawson calling me a state so I got up and went downstairs where I realised I had slept through to 1 and missed a fry-up :( We watched How To Train Your Dragon and waited for the rain to stop then walked home.
I had some food when I got in and a shower which made me feel tonnes better.
I'm just waiting until 12 now when Ian finishes his band practice so I can go back to his for the night.

Monday 8 August 2011

Baking Master

The majority of Saturday was pretty bad. Woke up and decided to have a shower. Mid wash the shower broke. I had shampoo all in my hair and I had to walk out into the kitchen, fill up a bucket with water, which was cold, and then try and pour it over my own head while holding my towel up and with soap in my eyes. This was not an easy task.
I then felt a bit down so went to the shop and brought some popcorn. The popcorn then burnt in the microwave. It was inedible.
Then had a huge argument with the father, so went to Ian's house and then had a massive bust up with him. Luckily it was sorted out and all is dandy now.
The evening then started to look up. I met Ginge at the Yarn, had a drink with a few people we bumped into and then headed to the Treaty to meet up with everyone else.
Housemate Jess was out with her friend Charlotte so I got to meet her and discuss how awesome living with Jess will be :)
I went back to Ian's and proceeded to pass out. Sunday I cleaned his house while he played L.A. Noire. We went back to mine after some dinner, picked up some sweets on the way and watched Angus, Things and Perfect Snogging when we were home.
Today I have been on a mission of baking. Mom and I are having a tea party on Wednesday so we have been baking cakes and nibbles all day :)
I have spent the evening watching The Unborn with Ian and watching the riots around London unfold :/

Friday 5 August 2011

Cupcakes and Tea

Wednesday I went to the cinema with a few people to watch Captain America which was pretty good. Then went back to mine with Ian for dinner and we spent the evening watching Tin Man.
Thursday I dossed around the house and made some cupcakes, in the afternoon I got my hair cut and then left to go to Ian's for the night. We had curry and a failed bag of popcorn and finished watching Tin Man.
Today I was meant to meet a uni friend but that fell through so I stayed at Ian's for a bit longer and watched The Fifth Element. I then went home, had some dinner, watched The Real Wives of Orange County, ate some popcorn and waited for Jess and Han to come over. We sat out in the garden; drank tea, ate cupcakes and had a catch up.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Hangover day

Friday daytime Jess came over for a wee catch up, we drank tea, watched Jeremy Kyle and ate pizza :)
In the evening I met up with Faye and Sarah at the Yarn. The drinks started flowing rapidly, we then moved onto the Treaty where the drinking continued. I got so drunk.

Very much regretted that the morning/day after. Ian came over to look after me when I woke up and we watched Shrek 3.
By evening time I was feeling a little better but still pretty hungover and in no way feeling up for drinking, however I manned through and went to a house party at Liz's. Was kinda dreading it and really didn't want to go, especially as I feeling crappy, but I knew Ian wanted to go so I went along too. Kinda regretted that too :/ Night was ruined, spent the entire time talking to Dan and crying and feeling miserable. Still pretty angry at that to be honest but nothing I can do I guess :/
Sunday was spent with Ian, napping, watching movies and a roast dinner. Monday we had a huge lay-in, mega lazy. After dinner we went back to mine for some pudding and movies.
I have been really busy today with my mom. We tidied up all of garden, cleaned up the house and went through the loft to find loads of kitchen stuff I can take to uni :)
Can't wait to move in now! Just going to miss a few people here and being able to have little random catch ups.