Thursday 28 July 2011


Tuesday Ian came round in the afternoon, we had a spot of lunch and then got baking. I say we, he watched and picked some music to play while I was making the cupcakes :P

When we got up Wednesday we went to the cinema to see the final Harry Potter, which I cried at :P
It was his mothers birthday so in the evening Tom did a bbq, which was amazing as always. It was really good nice night with lovely food and plenty of wine :)
Today I went for a walk with my parents around this big park with a lake, I can't remember where it was. I took some photos and got a bit of exercise.

I have spent the evening making some dinner and watching telly, nothing very exciting. Hoping tomorrow I can meet up with some chums and have a doss together :)

Monday 25 July 2011


Some random snaps of flowers in my garden.

Your photos are being uploaded

Friday was a pretty awesome day. Spent the day time with Ian and the evening was spent at the Met and Treaty with a bunch of pretty awesome dudes. Got very drunk, as always, walked home when the sun was coming up and dropped my burger in a puddle :(

Saturday I recovered while cleaning Ian's house. I then went home for some dinner, a big bowl of popcorn and watched Irobot.
Sunday I went to Ian's, we watched the finale episodes of Dead Like Me and had kievs for dinner and chocolate and marshmallows for pudding.
Today I went to Ian's, sorted out some stuff that needed sorting out and then I kicked his butt on the Deadliest Warrior game :)
This evening I have been uploading photos to my new Facebook account because I have come to accept that my old account is dead and wont be fixed :( And I miss all my photos so I want them on my new account, it is just taking forever! I'm going to have to try and finish doing it tomorrow.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Salty Popcorn

Thursday evening went rather epicly. Ended up in the Electric Lounge where I had never been before but it was pretty good, plus £2 drinks made it even better.

I have spent the majority of my days at Ian's.We have been watching Dead Like Me, drinking tea and we made a chocolate cake at some point. We ate it with cookie dough ice-cream. NICEST THING EVER!

Yesterday Jess and Han came over in the evening. We ate pizza and popcorn, drank a lot of booze and attempted at watching horror films but that failed somewhat.

When we woke up this morning we had some cereal and watched Knocked Up.
The majority of the day I have just been watching Jeremy Kyle with my mom and beginning to feel pretty crappy.
I am now at Ian's, blogging and watching him play xbox. We are both feeling a bit under the weather so will probably just laze in bed and crash out soon.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Birthday rainbows

Tuesday Hannah and I went in search for presents for our favourite little gremlin's birthday. Due to our creative nature and a lack of money we decided to make some presents. I always think they mean more. We found some material and I made this little man.

He has a hole in his head where we put a necklace with a hot air pendant in. We also made her a cake. But not just any cake! A rainbow cake!!!

It was fairly easy to make and it turned out amazingly cool. Han and I were very proud and I hope Jess liked it. Today is her actual birthday so I am just waiting until I can leave to go into town and celebrate her birthday over many drinks.

Friday and Saturday evenings were spent at the Treaty mainly. They were such good nights. Friday I went out with Ian and his friends. We got extremely drunk and had an awesome time there, the walk home however was a different matter.
Saturday I met up with Faye and we ventured to the Met and Yarn before ending up at the Treaty. We danced to Soldier Boy and I drank so much. Sarah and Faye are incredible friends, when it comes to being in an awkward situation they know how to make things better.

I have spent many nights at Ian's this week and it has been rather lovely spending so much time with him. We have watched many episodes of Pushing Daises and a film called Quarantine, which I nearly shit myself too. I don't do scary films.
We went for a walk today and started doing this thing called Geocaching. There are over a million little containers hidden all over the world and using the GPS on an iphone you can track them down. We found 3 today. You log your name in and you can swap things if there is anything inside. It was like a treasure hunt and was great fun. Not to forget I found all of the containers! :P
Oooo also I have my house for next year! Signed the contract Monday. So I can start moving all my stuff in whenever I want and I move in officially 1st of September. All we need now is a 4th housemate.

Friday 8 July 2011

Thursday 7 July 2011

The fella graduates

Monday evening Ian came over, we talked and watched Dead like me. I was craving salty popcorn so we went to the shop and brought all the packets they had left. I never used to like it but Jess has got me into it and now I just can't get enough. I realised today, after a whole bowl to myself, I was scraping the last bits of popcorn in the salt at the bottom of the bowl!
Tuesday I didn't do much during the day other than find an outfit for Ian's graduation. I rode my bike over to his in the evening so we could hang out for a bit. Riding my bike was a huge error, I am so unfit and I thought I was going to pass out I was so knackered by the time I got to his :/ The cycle home, down the hill was quite nice though.
Wednesday it was up early, shower, breakfast and then being picked up and on the way to Reading. We stopped off at a pub for some lunch before heading to the campus. The grounds were really nice and it all looked very posh. Ian scrubbed up rather well and looked very dapper in his robes and mortar board.

He has his moments of being pretty cool. This not being one of them :P

When we left and got back to Uxbridge we went to The Vine for dinner. I have never been there before but I will definitely go again. The food was incredible and the jammy dodger cheesecake was to die for!
Today I woke up and Ian made me a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea and we watched country house rescue for a bit. Lawson came over in the afternoon and we watched South Park so they could note Randy Marsh quotes to be used as lyrics.
I then headed home and helped mom make dinner.

This evening I have been informed by Facebook that my account is temporarily unavailable due to my computer having a virus. Which it doesn't. And that they want me to follow a few steps so that they can scan my computer and remove said infected files. I will not be following these steps as it is obviously a ruse of some sort. I just hope it comes back soon and I don't loose my account because I have loads of photos and awesome stuff on there and I will cry if I don't get it back :(

Sunday 3 July 2011

Stuff Happened

Tuesday Jess and Han came over in the evening and we watched Ghost Ship, ate popcorn and sweets and Jess tinted my eyelashes for me. The night was rather ruined by other occurrences but I'm glad the girls were there to keep me company and feed me tangfastics.
Wednesday I moped about the house until evening when I decided I had to get out and met up with some friends. They were going to the cinema but I didn't really feel like doing that so we went to MacDonald's for dinner and then I departed.
Thursday I cleaned at Ian's and then went suit shopping with him and his parents.
Friday I went into uni to collect all of my work and take down my display. I had a shop around in Wycombe and brought a maxi dress and a new top. The evening plans didn't exactly go to plan so I went to Ian's. We watched the second episode of the new True Blood season and then returned to mine.
Yesterday we slept in til 1 and when we eventually woke up we watched Dead Like Me. In the evening I made my parents a rather nice dinner with bbq lamb and potato salad. After I met up with some friends and went to the Met where we had a few drinks. Then moved onto the Yarn and then I departed from the group and went to the Treaty for Rock night. I got nicely drunk. Had lots of heart to hearts to a few people and walked home when the sun was coming up.
Not doing anything today other than stuffing myself with a roast dinner in a bit.