Sunday 6 March 2011

Rock nights

Well my assessment went good, I think. I always get so worried and then things turn out to be ok. I know this, and yet I will always get worked up. After my assessment Jess and Han came over for a catch up, Mario Kart, tea and movies.

Friday, once I finally got out of bed, was spent getting ready for the evening out. Went to Ian's before meeting up with the others at the Met. We pre- drank there, then got wine for the train to Kings cross, then drank in a pub there before heading to Facedown. It was such a good night, rather expensive but the music and atmosphere were awesome.

This is what happens when I drink rosé.

As we got home about 6am, the majority of Saturday was spent lazing in bed with Ian. In the evening we went to the Treaty for Rock night. Wasn't feeling great so ended up leaving pretty early, getting a Subway and being tucked into bed :)
Today we watched Fringe, The Princess and the Frog and The Black Cauldron. He has downloaded loads of Disney films for me so we are slowly making our way through them :)
After a wonderful roast dinner I got dropped off at mine and Ian returned to Reading, he is back Tuesday so not long to wait to see him again!
Have this week off so am just going to laze about and try and come up with a brief for my next project :/

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