Saturday 26 March 2011

Back in my arms

Tuesday was an awesome day at uni, really enjoyed it, did quite a bit of work and just got on with everyone. Ordered pizza with Ian in the evening and watched Fringe. He has come back this week and it has been so nice seeing him again.
Worked at the Load again Wednesday, Ian popped down with me for a bit to catch up with Dain.
Went t bed at 7.30 and woke up at 8 the next day. Haven't been feeling great the past few days, have a really swore throat, so I didn't go into uni. Tried to do a bit of work but couldn't focus. In the evening Ian came round again and we watched Beauty and the beast :)
Yesterday was a really sunny day so I went for a wonder to the shops for some sweets, I bumped into Dain and Chris on the way so hung about with them for a bit. We sat down at the bicentennial gardens drinking and enjoying the sun. I then met up with Ian and we walked the long way back to mine. We ate steak for dinner and then watched a film called Never let me go which was really good, weird but good. We also watched Groundhog day because I had never seen it, I liked it but didn't like that they didn't explain what the hell was going on, you don't just spend years re-living the same day over and over for no reason.
I'm trying to do work now but just end up procrastinating. Going to Ian's later for a BBQ because it's his nans birthday.
Feeling kind of annoyed and upset over a majority of different things, wont go into it but just feel a bit confused with my emotions :/

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