Sunday 13 March 2011


Thursday Hannah came over around lunch time and we played Mario Kart, ate pringles and Haribo and watched Yes Man. In the evening Jess joined us and we had shredded gammon for dinner (my favourite) watched Despicable me and continued to play on the Wii.
Friday I wrote my Statement of intent for my final art project at uni. In the evening I went to the Load with a few people I haven't seen in a while, was good to catch up and have a drink.
Yesterday I didn't do much during the day, lazed about and helped tidy the house a bit. In the evening I went to the Met as Jade was back from uni for the weekend and was out with a few people. Only stayed for a couple of drinks and then went to James birthday party. I didn't pass out for 4 hours this time, but I was reminded of what a state I was in last time. Was a really good night, drank a lot of rose :)

As I haven't got any uni work to do I'm just dossing about today getting rather bored. Really not looking forward to going back to uni tomorrow, just dreading the early starts :(

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