Monday 21 March 2011

I fell in love with the girl at the Load of Hay

Friday I felt kinda weird all day. Not ill but just odd. So I stayed in, watched Comic Relief with mom and made a tent in my bedroom. I always used to do it when I was little and feeling ill. 19 years of tent making I think I can say this one is pretty darn good :)

Saturday I was feeling right as rain again. Didn't do much during the day. In the evening Faye came over to mine with a bottle of wine. I cooked pizza and we had a nice chat before going to the Met. Saw some other people there which we joined and then dragged to the Treaty with us. It was also Sam's 19th so saw him a bit. Was an awesome alcohol fueled night.

Getting on crackingly with Faye, we can have a laugh and I never feel there's nothing to talk about with her :)

Sunday I spent the entire day in bed, with the laptop resting on my legs, watching both seasons of Sugar Rush. I felt a bit lesbian after but it was a really good show. Had the annoying thing of having an actress in it that was in another tv showed I watched. She played a ghost so throughout season 1 I still expected her to just disappear or walk through walls.
Went into uni today, handed in my brief and got my marks back from my assessment and essay. I got Merits in all of them! Rather pleased with that, have gone up marks since last assessment so hopefully in the next one I should go even higher :)
Also really getting into my new project, having loads of unusual ideas so am now getting on with that :)

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