Thursday 17 March 2011

No uni for me

So other than Monday I haven't been into uni this week.
Tuesday I felt a bit ill in the morning so didn't want to spend an hour on the bus in case I threw up. In the evening I met up with Faye for which was meant to be a quite drink at the Met. This turned into me getting incredibly drunk. It was cheap Tuesdays and quiz night so much fun was had all round :)
Wednesday I felt like death and spent the morning with my head in the loo. When I finally managed to hold down some food I made my way to the Load to do cleaning. In the evening Jess and Han came over for a cup of tea before we went to Uxbridge to meet Luke and go to the cinema to watch Paul. It was so good, I really loved it. Want to watch it with Ian because I think he would appreciate the subtle jokes more than Han and Jess did.
After the cinema we went to Pizza Express for the usual Caesar salad and dough balls. Was very tasty as usual but didn't enjoy the stupid waitress spilling raspberry lemonade all over my dress :/
Today I cleaned the house for my mom and after a very yummy lunch Danny popped round with chocolate cake as he missed my birthday and we had a nice catch up :)

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