Sunday 27 March 2011

Effing bullshit

BBQ Saturday was amazing! Tom did the cooking which is always amazing and very scrummy so I stuffed my face with that. Watched The King's Speech with his family and then went upstairs to bed and watched Fringe and Jackass before falling asleep.
Had a nice fry-up this morning in bed. Then got dropped home when Ian was being taken back to Reading.
Lazed about in the sun for a bit and then watched The Season of the Witch. Got really hot and stuffy in my room and made me feel really faint and then I threw up which wasn't good :/

Shit really hit off this evening and felt like I was in the middle of a Jeremy Kyle conflict. Everyone had been saying stuff and things got taken out of context and evolved into some big thing which was utter bullshit and I was made out to be a cheat. Things are sorted now but just pissed me off that the person getting involved and saying stuff didn't originally come to me and ask, instead of asking other people and developing more rumours.
Sorted now though :)

Saturday 26 March 2011

Back in my arms

Tuesday was an awesome day at uni, really enjoyed it, did quite a bit of work and just got on with everyone. Ordered pizza with Ian in the evening and watched Fringe. He has come back this week and it has been so nice seeing him again.
Worked at the Load again Wednesday, Ian popped down with me for a bit to catch up with Dain.
Went t bed at 7.30 and woke up at 8 the next day. Haven't been feeling great the past few days, have a really swore throat, so I didn't go into uni. Tried to do a bit of work but couldn't focus. In the evening Ian came round again and we watched Beauty and the beast :)
Yesterday was a really sunny day so I went for a wonder to the shops for some sweets, I bumped into Dain and Chris on the way so hung about with them for a bit. We sat down at the bicentennial gardens drinking and enjoying the sun. I then met up with Ian and we walked the long way back to mine. We ate steak for dinner and then watched a film called Never let me go which was really good, weird but good. We also watched Groundhog day because I had never seen it, I liked it but didn't like that they didn't explain what the hell was going on, you don't just spend years re-living the same day over and over for no reason.
I'm trying to do work now but just end up procrastinating. Going to Ian's later for a BBQ because it's his nans birthday.
Feeling kind of annoyed and upset over a majority of different things, wont go into it but just feel a bit confused with my emotions :/

Monday 21 March 2011

I fell in love with the girl at the Load of Hay

Friday I felt kinda weird all day. Not ill but just odd. So I stayed in, watched Comic Relief with mom and made a tent in my bedroom. I always used to do it when I was little and feeling ill. 19 years of tent making I think I can say this one is pretty darn good :)

Saturday I was feeling right as rain again. Didn't do much during the day. In the evening Faye came over to mine with a bottle of wine. I cooked pizza and we had a nice chat before going to the Met. Saw some other people there which we joined and then dragged to the Treaty with us. It was also Sam's 19th so saw him a bit. Was an awesome alcohol fueled night.

Getting on crackingly with Faye, we can have a laugh and I never feel there's nothing to talk about with her :)

Sunday I spent the entire day in bed, with the laptop resting on my legs, watching both seasons of Sugar Rush. I felt a bit lesbian after but it was a really good show. Had the annoying thing of having an actress in it that was in another tv showed I watched. She played a ghost so throughout season 1 I still expected her to just disappear or walk through walls.
Went into uni today, handed in my brief and got my marks back from my assessment and essay. I got Merits in all of them! Rather pleased with that, have gone up marks since last assessment so hopefully in the next one I should go even higher :)
Also really getting into my new project, having loads of unusual ideas so am now getting on with that :)

Thursday 17 March 2011

No uni for me

So other than Monday I haven't been into uni this week.
Tuesday I felt a bit ill in the morning so didn't want to spend an hour on the bus in case I threw up. In the evening I met up with Faye for which was meant to be a quite drink at the Met. This turned into me getting incredibly drunk. It was cheap Tuesdays and quiz night so much fun was had all round :)
Wednesday I felt like death and spent the morning with my head in the loo. When I finally managed to hold down some food I made my way to the Load to do cleaning. In the evening Jess and Han came over for a cup of tea before we went to Uxbridge to meet Luke and go to the cinema to watch Paul. It was so good, I really loved it. Want to watch it with Ian because I think he would appreciate the subtle jokes more than Han and Jess did.
After the cinema we went to Pizza Express for the usual Caesar salad and dough balls. Was very tasty as usual but didn't enjoy the stupid waitress spilling raspberry lemonade all over my dress :/
Today I cleaned the house for my mom and after a very yummy lunch Danny popped round with chocolate cake as he missed my birthday and we had a nice catch up :)

Monday 14 March 2011


Most pointless day at uni ever today! First day back in two weeks. Bus made me late so I had no idea where anyone was while they were being briefed. When I eventually found them my tutor was less than happy to say the least. I then handed in my statement and that was all there was to do really. Decided to return home, picking up a sausage roll on the way. Once home I lazed about and ate :)

Also I would really, really really, REALLY would like this :)

Sunday 13 March 2011


Thursday Hannah came over around lunch time and we played Mario Kart, ate pringles and Haribo and watched Yes Man. In the evening Jess joined us and we had shredded gammon for dinner (my favourite) watched Despicable me and continued to play on the Wii.
Friday I wrote my Statement of intent for my final art project at uni. In the evening I went to the Load with a few people I haven't seen in a while, was good to catch up and have a drink.
Yesterday I didn't do much during the day, lazed about and helped tidy the house a bit. In the evening I went to the Met as Jade was back from uni for the weekend and was out with a few people. Only stayed for a couple of drinks and then went to James birthday party. I didn't pass out for 4 hours this time, but I was reminded of what a state I was in last time. Was a really good night, drank a lot of rose :)

As I haven't got any uni work to do I'm just dossing about today getting rather bored. Really not looking forward to going back to uni tomorrow, just dreading the early starts :(

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Iron & Wine

Monday I played Wii, all day.
Tuesday I lazed about until the afternoon when Ian returned for the night. We made our way to Camden to watch Iron & Wine, his valentines present to me :)
It was really good, they jammed around with all the songs and I had a lovely time. We were meant to wake up early so Ian could get back to Reading but this failed. Once we managed to get out of bed he left and I returned for a few more Z's.
When I finally awoke properly I remembered it was Wednesday and was cleaning at the pub, so I rushed out the house and spent a few hours there.
Watched Snog, marry avoid this evening and then did all my make-up over the top. Have never seen what I look like like that, it was wierd.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Rock nights

Well my assessment went good, I think. I always get so worried and then things turn out to be ok. I know this, and yet I will always get worked up. After my assessment Jess and Han came over for a catch up, Mario Kart, tea and movies.

Friday, once I finally got out of bed, was spent getting ready for the evening out. Went to Ian's before meeting up with the others at the Met. We pre- drank there, then got wine for the train to Kings cross, then drank in a pub there before heading to Facedown. It was such a good night, rather expensive but the music and atmosphere were awesome.

This is what happens when I drink rosé.

As we got home about 6am, the majority of Saturday was spent lazing in bed with Ian. In the evening we went to the Treaty for Rock night. Wasn't feeling great so ended up leaving pretty early, getting a Subway and being tucked into bed :)
Today we watched Fringe, The Princess and the Frog and The Black Cauldron. He has downloaded loads of Disney films for me so we are slowly making our way through them :)
After a wonderful roast dinner I got dropped off at mine and Ian returned to Reading, he is back Tuesday so not long to wait to see him again!
Have this week off so am just going to laze about and try and come up with a brief for my next project :/

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Get it over with

Have been doing work during the days. Yesterday evening I went to the pub, was meant to go to Sam's but that didn't happen, so we went to Academy because I had never been there. There was literally no one there, a ghost town. So I had one drink and then went home to bed.
Went into town with my mom today and brought photo paper. Then went to the pub, did an hour of cleaning and had lunch there.
Assessment is tomorrow and I just want it to be over now. Felt like I have done so much work but when I put it all together earlier there was hardly any! A bit worried now because I know they will say it's not enough :/