Friday 26 October 2012

Back and Forth

I have finished my essay! So glad it's out of the way now and I can just relax. Wrote the end of it today with a massive hangover which wasn't fun. Met up with Keri yesterday for a catch up at the Met, we were then joined by Faye, Sarah and Dan. Dan and I then went to the Yarn to see some others while the rest went home. Later went to the Electric Lounge and got very drunk. I ended up crying in the middle of the club and then getting really pissed off because all of the food outlets were closed... what a state. 

Went out in Wycombe to the Lope on Wednesday with a few people. Spent the walk home chasing after Mikey bare foot as he had stolen my shoes. Ryan very kindly gave me a lift home Thursday so he met the parents and we had tea at my house.
Today is my wonderful cousins 18th birthday so this evening was spent eating cupcakes and having a good catch up with her and the family at her house. 

Have a halloween party tomorrow that I am SO excited for! Dressing up as a puppet doll, was experimenting with make up the other day. 

Monday 22 October 2012


I ended up going bowling Thursday evening with Ryan, Sammy and Luke. I lost on both games by a considerable amount, not surprising really, I haven't played for years and I was never that good anyways but I had a great time. The night then continued til 4am driving around the Wycombe area which was so much fun!
The weekend was pretty shit. Packed up loads of Ian's old stuff which was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I hated being back, everything reminding me of times I thought were perfect and seeing him again made me realize something I really didn't want to realize. I also had to write some of my essay which is never fun but I got quite a lot done which I'm pleased about. Will be going back home during the week to finish it as I concentrate so much better there. 
Sunday morning was spent at the hospital visiting Lee. He is doing so well and putting on a brave face considering what he's been through. It was nice to see him and Cathy again, hopefully next time it will be back at home rather than in a hospital. 
After a lovely steak dinner I headed back to Wycombe. I met up with Ryan and we went to the cinema to watch Looper. It was amazing! His impersonation f Bruce Willis was brilliant and it was a very clever story line. 
Today was again a visit to the cinema to watch Frankenweenie. It was fantastic!! So funny. So clever. So Burton. The rest of the evening has been spent being productive at uni work and watching PLL. 
Just started watching the last episode of season 2 and it froze :/ It's soooo good and I NEED to know what happens!  

Thursday 18 October 2012

Movies and Ice-Cream

The past few days have been pretty good considering the events that occurred last week. Although deep inside I feel like shit and just want to break down and cry constantly I have been keeping myself occupied and seeing my amazing friends.
Monday was spent doing uni work and the evening relaxing with more chocolate and watching British Bake Off with the housemates.
Tuesday, uni again which was pretty good. However my ideas have kind of come to a stand still at the moment as I'm not sure where to go next but I just need to concentrate and knuckle down with some practical work. I visited Beckie for a bit in the evening as she needed some cheering up too so we both had a good old rant and drank tea. After I went to the Lope to meet some friends and have a well needed drink.
Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a while. After uni Ryan came round and we watched Serenity as he had never seen it, and as a Firefly fan he had to. He brought nibbles and cream soda so we pigged out for a bit. We then met up with Luke and Sammy at the cinema to watch Paranormal Activity 4. I was petrified to say the least. Ryan works at the cinema so he kindly got me in for free and we sat in the VIP box which was pretty cool. The film was blooming tense and I was so jumpy but Luke made it better by taking the piss out of the kids sandals and socks. After the film we all headed back to theirs for a cuppa and to dry off from the rain. Ryan and Jack then came to mine to watch Pixar films as I needed to be de-scared. Ryan brought a tub of ice-cream and we lazed out on the sofa with a blanket watching Up and Monsters Inc.
Today has just been spent watching Pretty Little Liars and going to uni for a bit. I'm heading out later but I'm not sure who's going yet so I shall continue watching PLL until I know.

Sunday 14 October 2012


The past week hasn't been the best to say the least. I don't really want to delve into details as I don't think I have fully accepted it yet. So the past week has been spent eating lots of comfort food, drinking my troubles away and realizing I have the best friends which I am so grateful for helping me through this very hard time.

I went home this weekend to sort out some things and my parents did their very best to cheer me up. We had a lovely outing to Richmond and walked along the river and had lunch at an amazing German restaurant where we stuffed our faces with beer, sausage and sauerkraut.

In the evening I met up with some friends. I was really worried about going due to recent events but I had an amazing time and realized I have nothing to worry about when it comes to loosing them :)

 Today was spent nursing my hangover and looking through my dads collection of crystals so I can use them in my latest uni project.

I am now back in Wycombe and am trying to take my mind off things by watching back to back episodes of Pretty Little Liars.
I really hope things feel better soon as everything I look at tortures me and just makes me want to break down. However painful it is, I know I've done the right thing.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Photo Update

I finally have internet in the house! So after this post hopefully all shall return to normal updating. Along with the internet we now have a working shower that doesn't just consist of REALLY hot or REALLY cold temperatures.

Day trips in London with the Boy

Hannah's 21st in Reading
(Also Ian had his 23rd but I didn't get any photos)

Lovely times with Keri

Freshers! Where I have met some great new friends :)

And Ian coming to stay last weekend for Crash

I'm sure there's a lot more, like our Avengers movie marathon and dinners out and trips with the new housemates but I don't have photos or if I do I have to be up in 6 hours so can't be bothered to look. Night!

Wednesday 3 October 2012

No internet

My humblest of apologies for the severe lack of posts but unfortunately my new uni house still doesn't have internet. I was going to try and update when I visited home but I was a bit busy watching 14 hours of Marvel films and scoffing my face with pizza and sweets.
SO much has happened in the past month and all has been amazing. I have moved into my new house with Lucinda and Rebecca and it's going great. It's really homely and clean and we cook once a week for each other with is lovely. 
First week of freshers was amazing, met loads of new people which was great and now knuckling down to some work. First project is brilliant, get the chance to create a piece that could be sold at a museum.

There is literally so much that has gone on that it has all molded into one. I shall do a photo post next time I get the chance to use the internet because as always I photograph everything so hopefully that shall tell the story of my past month :) 
Unfortunately we are not expected to get internet for another 2 weeks so there may be a delay :(