Thursday 28 June 2012

My blog I can say what I want

I picked up the keys for my new house today, we had a big look round and did the inventory. I got the room I was hoping for so all I have to do is get a bed and a light and then I can start moving all my other stuff in :D

The mother and I then went to the old house to tidy up before we give the keys back. The boys had done some cleaning the day before but it was still pretty rank. I cleaned the bathroom, garden and some of the kitchen. I felt sick, the house was an actual tip. I don't understand how someone can live like that, no trouble guessing who most of the shit belonged to... and she hasn't cleaned at all. We give the keys back on Saturday and the window has still not been fucking fixed!!! I'm so fucking angry, how can someone be so incompetent and rude and just plain fucking stupid. I will be so happy to be rid of that place and to never be around that disgrace of a girl ever again.  
I have a lovely evening planned with Ian and a takeaway with our name on it so that should make everything all better :)

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