Thursday 28 June 2012

Hot and Cold

Saturday the parents and I had a random trip to Brighton. It was a really nice day and luckily the weather stayed sunny. We had a lovely lunch out at Browns, an ice cream on the beach and a look round all of the vintage shops :)

I have decided to take my fitness seriously now so Monday the mother and I went shopping for fitness clothes. I brought some really nice running shoes, a sports bra and some leggings. I went for a run in the evening and my legs still hurt from it! I think I pushed myself a bit too far :/ I also brought some hair dye as my hair was 2 different colours from the last time I dyed my hair so now it's slightly blonder and all the same :)

Tuesday I joined  Ian and his family to the Ice bar for Tom's 21st. We had dinner there too which was one of the nicest meals I have ever had and I got to try caviar for the first time too.

Yesterday evening Keri and I went out for a run. We did a circuit thing at my house which knackered me out before we even went out for the run. We went all round Cowley Rec and then down to Little Britain and had a slow walk back. I felt so good after doing it but quite sweaty.

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