Friday 22 June 2012


Yet again I have been slacking with blogging and there is no excuse.
Last Friday I went out with the lovely Keri. We went for a few drinks at the Met and Treaty. I ended up getting a little more drunk than expected but we had an amazing night and I hope to go out again soon.
The day after my mom and I went to High Wycombe to do some shopping. I brought loads of new trousers, accessories and treated Ian and I to some Nerds and Twinkies :) In the evening I did some babysitting of the adorable Becky. It was meant to be mom looking after her but I took over. She was so good! Was a bit sad to hand her back to Cathy and Lee. I can't wait to look after her again.
The family came over Sunday for a bit of lunch. Morgan and I spent most of the time playing xbox and watching stand up comedy.
Monday I finally got my hair cut. I literally can't remember the last time I got it cut and it was pretty disgusting  so now it's all nice :)

Wednesday Jess, Han and I met up and went to Pizza Express. Han has now left to go to the Isle of Wight festival and Jess is going away on holiday next week so we wont see each other for a while.
Gutted I'm not going away this year. I really want to get away from all the stress I've had this year with the house. I just don't want to think about it and be somewhere hot. I have been looking for a job for so long and still no luck, but I need a job to go away so looks like I will be in cold little England for a while still.
I have been working pretty hard on my exercise so hopefully the weather this weekend will stay nice so I can go for a jog outside.

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