Monday 9 July 2012

Naming Rebecca Jane

Not an awful lot has happened since last time I updated. Jess has been away on holiday so I haven't seen her or Han in a while but we intend on catching up very soon.
Saturday was an eventful day. The parents, Ian and I were invited to little Becky's naming ceremony. None of us had ever been to one or knew what it entailed. It was basically a non religious christening. It was really  sweet and she was so well behaved! After we all returned to Becky's grandparents house (Bob and Heather's) where we scoffed ourselves with bbq food and Ian and I consumed our body weight in chip sticks.

Also just found this. Was when I first saw Becky at just one week old. Now she's 6 months old! She's grown so much! 

After a quick dash home Ian and I made our way to Uxbridge where we met up with a few others and started drinking at the Met. We then all headed to the Treaty for a very messy Rock night. It was such a good night! I must admit things got a bit blurry as the night went on but from what I remember it was great :) Don't think I have seen it that busy there in a while. Had some very funny conversations and unusual mixes of drinks and of course the standard drunken subway :)

Sunday was spent recovering and moaning that my legs hurt. Keri and I did sprinting Friday and both of our leg muscles are still in agony! Was meant to be running again tonight but we have postponed it til tomorrow so today will just be spent being lazy.

Also no idea why all of a sudden my writing has decided to be highlighted in white and for some reason it wont let me change it back :/ 

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