Sunday 29 July 2012


The past week has been pretty busy and rather lovely. 
The bed for my new house arrived safe and sound, it's gorgeous!! It did take an hour to put together but we eventually got there. Going to stay at the house next weekend with Ian which I am very excited about :)
Monday was as close to perfect as you could get. Ian had taken the day off work and treated me to such a lovely day. We went to see Dark Night Rises which was amazing! We then had a few drinks in the Met before we went out to Pizza Express. We spent the night drinking hot chocolate with Stay Puft marshmallows, he had been to Forbidden Planet the day before and also got me a bottle of Tru Blood :)  

Tuesday the Olympic torch came to Uxbridge. It went right through Brunel University which is a couple of minuets from my house so the Mother and I went down to see it. It was actually really exciting, the atmosphere was great and everyone was so lively. We were right at the front and got to see the kiss, it was only until the torch bearer walked right past me after the torch had been pasted on that I realised it was Mark Ronson! 

Wednesday my wonderful uni friend Ryan came to stay with me. We descended upon the Met where we had a few drinks and then ordered some dinner. We then got an ice cream and sat in Fassnidge park while the sun set. We headed to the Yarn for a drink but it wasn't that nice there so went back to the Met and finally we ended up at the Treaty. Ryan was wasted! It was hilarious. We got cheesy chips on the way back, most of which he threw up when we got back. 

Thursday I made a fry-up to help our hangovers and then he had to depart to catch his train. It was so nice that he came to visit and I had such a nice time :)
Friday was Ian's mum, Sue's, birthday. I had made a chocolate cake and got some flowers for the occasion so in the evening I headed over to theirs for a wonderful barbecue and lots of wine. We all watched he Olympic opening ceremony which I thought was really good, so typically British. 
I've somehow managed to really hurt my wrist. No idea how, just woke up and was in agony :/ So I am all bandaged up and haven't really done much this weekend.  

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