Tuesday 29 May 2012

Goodbye First Year, Hello Sunshine!

I have finally finished first year at uni! Had my final tutorial today and my tutor said I did pretty good, to be honest I don't have high expectations as I know I didn't do as much work as I should of. Hopefully that will push me next year to do more. Also I shall have my wonderful house mates on my course so that should motivate me more. Plus we now have a lovely house to live in!! So I can finally move out of that shit hole I have had to call home for the past 12 months. I've been pretty much living at home for the past week and slowing moving bits back here. We get to move into the new place on the 28th June so we can have it all over summer which means I can look for a permanent job there as unfortunately I didn't get the Topshop one.
It has been so lovely being back and I have had a few good outings. The parents and I went to Ken and Doreen's 50th wedding anniversary where we enjoyed some lovely food, catching up with old family friends I haven't seen since before I could walk and plenty of wine!

 The weather has been absolutely gorgeous the past few days. When I was in Wycombe I went over to Cakes as she had brought a paddling pool. We chilled out in the sun with a few others and enjoyed a few beers. I now drink beer. We then went to the SU and the Hobgoblin for a few more.

 I have been lazing out in the sun all week and have developed a little tan however I burnt a bit on my back and legs but it's gradually turning brown :)
Ian's parents had a BBQ the other day and my parents were invited too. As usual we scoffed some gorgeous food by Tom and drank plenty of booze.
Sunday the Granty joined the parents and I for a walk around Langley park. It was lovely, all the flowers were in bloom and the weather was perfect. However I hear it is meant to turn a bit rainy for the rest of the week :(

  Instagram - Fluffbums add me

Thursday 17 May 2012

2 Years Rambling

Also totally forgot to say, yesterday my blog turned 2! :)
So much has changed since I started writing this and I enjoy looking back on the past as it makes me realise what I like and dislike about myself and what I want to do differently. At the moment I feel I'm steering in the right direction. I have perfect friends, uni's going well and employment is on the horizon :)

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Ying and Yang

Since my last post my emotions have been so up and down. I shall get the bad news out of the way first; Mac passed away Monday morning. I am devastated. He was literally the best pet I could of ever asked for and I really doubt I will ever be able to find another cat like him. I loved him so much! He had been acting really wierdly for about week and wasn't eating or drinking so he lost so much weight and he wouldn't let any of us touch him which was so not like him. Mom took him to the vet and we found out he had been in a fight or something and his lip was torn away from his gum line and then got infected. They said that they could operate but he might not pull through and if he did he would have to be on a drip as he couldn't eat properly. Mom decided that the best thing to do was have him put down. Although I am still completely upset by the loss I agree with my moms decision and don't blame her at all as she was so worried I would. No cat could ever replace my little fluffbum and I miss him so much but I'm glad he isn't in pain any more.  

In happier news, Saturday night, Lauren's 21st, was amazing. I got to meet some of Ian's work friends and friends from his school. Had some really lovely chats with Sue and managed to stay in my gigantic heels all night even while dancing! :)
I returned back to Wycombe Tuesday for Cakey's birthday. It was a burlesque theme so I whacked out my corset. I felt rather inadequate next to Beckie and Cake as their boobies are HUGE! 

Had an amazing night although I probably drank a little too much considering I had a job interview today. YES,I had a job interview! And for Topshop! I feel it went pretty well and I am keeping everything crossed as I would really love this job. However if I don't get it I am still pleased that I managed to get to the interview stage and have my first ever interview. It has boosted my confidence a lot so now I wont be so nervous for any future ones :) 

Saturday 12 May 2012


I am now back at home, headed back Wednesday evening. Morgan and I went to the cinema before I came back. We watched the new American Pie, very funny :) 
Thursday afternoon I met up with Jess and Han for a spot of lunch at the Met. Was lovely to see the girlies again and have a good catch up. We wondered around the shops for a bit and I brought a new skirt which I intend on wearing for Lauren's party tonight.

Ian an I went on our date night yesterday evening. We went to the Malt Shovel and pigged out on some very yummy food.

We then headed home and watched Dawn of Dead with a bowl of popcorn.
Ian's headed off to the gym now so I'm just getting myself ready for tonight, I'm so excited! 
I had a bit of a spend up the other day and brought loads of new clothes as well as these babies!

Monday 7 May 2012


Saturday night was Crash at the SU which is always great. I got ready and headed to Kris's, he had brought a shisha pipe so I went round to try it out. We had bubblegum flavour which was pretty good. We drank a little with everyone else and then all headed to the SU. We met up with a very drunken Beckie and a few others. Countless drinks were had and I fell asleep in the cab on the way back, embarrassing!

I have now completed all of How I Met Your Mother up to date! I can now watch the finale with Ian :)
Going to be heading home as soon as I can. Just realised  have about 12 days left of my project and I am no where near a final piece so I have to get my arse in gear.
Been trying to keep a bit healthier recently so eating fruit and exercising. Been noticing a few stretch marks and flabby bits, I think all my binging is finally taking it's toll, I know Jess and Han will be pleased about this, they always said it would catch up with me :P 

Friday 4 May 2012


Amazing times

Saturday night was one of the best parties I have been to. It was amazing! It was hosted by my future housemate, Lucinda (pink hair). She had rented out a huge marque with a DJ and laser lights and so much alcohol and a BBQ and a silent disco and we all camped out in her garden, on the rainiest, windiest night so far this year, and I slept like a baby. I didn't realise how drunk I was until I looked through the photos the next day. Luckily her dad was there with tea and a bacon roll to cure the hangover. Rebecca then drove me back to the house where I proceeded to wait out the hangover.  

I have been back home the past 2 days and they were the loveliest couple of days I have had in a long time. Wednesday evening it was out for dinner with Ian and his parents, Tom and Lauren. We went to Lumbini's and it was gorgeous! The food was incredible, I can't wait to go again. Had such a lovely time with Ian's family and after a couple of bottles of wine I was feeling quite drunk. Ian and I then got a cab back to mine and we watched Fringe which has really confused the both us.
Thursday, mom and I wondered into Yiewsley to get some shopping from Tescos, she treated me to some lovely new bed sheets and the cutest owl candle holders :)

When Ian got back from work we headed into town for our date night. It was so special, he treated me so much :) We went to Pizza express, where of course we got dough balls and I got the caesar salad, nom!

We then went to the cinema to watch Avengers Assemble. Ian was so excited he kept squeezing me and making high pitched noises, kinda cute in a weird nerdy way :P
Needless to say the film was great! We then discussed how awesome it was and he told me all the cool references on the walk home. We then watched one of the best episodes of Castle before settling down to bed.
Today unfortunately I had to head back to Wycombe. Mom drove me to Asda where she brought me loads of yummy treats and then dropped me off at the house. When I unpacked everything I headed into uni where I found out my grade for my essay. I was 2 marks off a first! :/ It was still a high 2:1 and my tutor was really pleased with me but I was a bit miffed as last essay I got a good first.
Been lazing about in my room for the rest of the day watching Marvel films and eating prawn crackers :)