Sunday 6 November 2011

Remember Remember

Friday I was bit naughty and skipped uni. Just really didn't feel up to it so I lazed in bed pretty much all day. After some dinner and watching Derren Brown with Shaun we headed to the Nags head. It was only supposed to be for a few but ended up staying longer than intended.
Yesterday was again spent in bed, watching Sabrina.
In the evening my Grandad came to pick me up and take me to a firework party at Bob and Heather's. Unknown to me Angela, his new gf, was coming too. Turns out my parents knew and didn't tell me because if I knew she was going, I wouldn't of gone. Very annoyed that she came but not at my parents as I do understand and I did really want to go.
After the journey in the car listening to her go on about herself and how she is taking my Grandad away on holiday I just started crying. Spoke to my mom about it and I got so upset. She really sounds like my nan and it made me miss her so much. I hate that he is seeing someone else.
Other than that the party was great, lovely fireworks, free wine, nice hot dogs and soup.

After getting dropped back in Wycombe I went to the SU to meet Shaun, Tom and Dave. It was Crash night, aka Rock night. When that closed Shaun, a guy called Norm and I went to the Nags for the last night it was open under Tom's management. Everyone drank the bar dry, lemonade fights, dancing on tables and we could all smoke inside, it was pretty weird. By the end of the night there was only Baileys and red wine left so we all did a bomb of it... it curdled... disgusting.

Today has yet again been spent in bed watching Sabrina, I should of really done work but I have been so lazy recently :/

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