Wednesday 9 November 2011


I started metalwork on Monday, so no more ceramics for me, YAY! After a massive rush to catch my bus on time I was on my way to Camden to meet Ian so we could go to the Barfly and watch William Fitzsimmons. It was amazing. Had such an lovely time and was great to spend the night with Ian.

Started started early, too early. Had to get the bus back to Wycombe so I could get to uni on time.
In the afternoon I had a throwing class in the ceramics studio. I started off terribly and just couldn't get it and I cut up all my hand but then the tutor said my clay was too hard so no wonder I couldn't do it. After he got me some new clay I found it great fun and made 2 little pots, I'm so proud!

Today I jumped in the car with Jess as she was heading home for a few hours and offered me a ride back. I went to Ian's for a bit, he was ill so we just lazed about drinking tea and watching Castle.
When Castle episodes ran out I headed home. Had a lovely catch up with my mom and raided all the cupboards for food. We had dinner and watched some True Blood.
I then got a phone call from a very annoyed Jess saying her car wouldn't start so we couldn't back. But mom to the rescue gave us both a lift back :)
I have just had a cup of milk and my daily dose of Sabrina the teenage witch so now I'm going to bed.

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