Sunday 20 November 2011

Essay and Birthdays

Monday I eventually managed to drag myself out of bed and head back to Uxbridge. I made cupcakes and researched stuff for my essay.
Tuesday I was back in Wycombe pretty early to see Jess for her birthday. We ate cakes and watched telly most of the day. In the evening we had a few drinks at the Belle Vue, then onto the Goblin where Abigail joined us and then onto Yates. I headed back before everyone else and was kept company by a kebab.

Wednesday I made my way back to Uxbridge. The day was spent writing my essay and in the evening I met up with Jess, Han and Jason for a wonderful trip to Pizza Express :)
Thursday I carried on with my essay. I only have to write my conclusion now and then I'm all done. At 9, Ian and I headed to a studio where Brannigan's Law do their band practise. I was so tired by the end of it but was nice to see Keri and the guys again.
Friday evening I met up with Faye and Luke. It was only meant to be for a couple of drinks before Faye went to work but Luke and I ended up drinking more than intended and made our way to the Treaty for a few shots and snakebites. Made my way back to Ian's for the best cheese and onion roll ever!
Saturday was the day of my mom's 50th birthday party. I headed home to help out around the house and get everything ready. Ian was meant to come and meet all the family and friends but he was ill, was really gutted and upset he couldn't go. Nevertheless I had a great night seeing family I haven't seen in over a year and Jess and Han came. The food was amazing, brilliant fireworks and there was lots of booze. When the party died down I went back to Ian's, we watched Fringe and drank tea.
Today has been spent lazing around in Ian's clothes and watching telly while I was amazed at the amount of fog outside.
I am now back in Wycombe and looking forward to seeing Shaun again as he has been in Wales all week, I have a week of insults to catch up on.

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