Monday 14 November 2011

Lazy Weekend

Thursday evening I ventured out to the Goblin with Shaun, Ryan, Jess and Abs. There were quite a few people there and the drinks were flowing nicely. I headed to the su with Ryan for a bit to watch some bands but didn't enjoy it much so went back to the Goblin.
Jess informed me that a guy was buying tights for £30+, me being a very poor student and luckily wearing tights took him up on the offer. It's not like he saw me take them off or knows anything about me so I didn't see anything wrong it and considering the tights probably cost me a quid, I made a pretty hefty profit :)
The evening ended up with everyone dancing on the tables and swinging from the roof singing along to "Reach" by S Club 7 and the Fresh Prince song.

Friday I was up nice early to meet Ryan and go to a lecture about essay writing. It was the most boring hour of my life.
As we managed to sit through it we thought it best to reward ourselves with a Subway. After we scoffed that down and received some free Monster from a massive monster truck outside the SU we went to our seminar. I did not like this seminar. It was really hard and made me realise that I do actually have to do academic stuff at uni as well as hands on art :/
When uni was finished I rushed home, prepped dinner and got ready to meet Ian at the train station. We stuffed down the fajitas and I made him watch some Sabrina.
Along with Adam, Harley and Shaun we went to the Goblin to meet Jess and some others for her birthday night out. We ended up at this gay bar called Scorpios which turned out to be pretty good. All the lads tried out their skills at pole dancing and I sampled one if the nicest drinks ever, a watermelon VK.

Saturday was spent in bed, pretty much all day. We watched Fringe and Terra nova, ate a 3 tier plate of nachos and ordered pizza.
Sunday we had a fry-up and watched Gulliver's Travels. Ian then sadly had to go home, leaving me all alone. Shaun is back in Wales, Adam is in Reading with Harley and Jess went home for a party.
Felt pretty shit last night and really missed my mom and friends from home. I then ended up slicing open my finger as I smashed a glass bowl, it was not a good evening.

I am trying to get the energy to get out bed so I can get ready and go home for the day. Need to start writing my essay and get Jess and my mom's birthday presents. No idea what I'm going to get them so need to have a wonder around town.

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