Tuesday 29 November 2011


I haven't updated in over a week, things have been pretty busy. Spend most days at uni and evenings in a pub somewhere.
The past few days have been horrible. Lets just say I haven't felt that sad since the days with black hair and listening to Hawthorne Heights alone in my room.In nicer news my essay is completed and handed in, so nice not to have to deal with it again.
I went home on the weekend to finish it and steal food from my house.
Wednesday was a great night. It was Jess's event for her project. It was at the Antelope, there were a few live bands that were great and many rainbow jelly shots. We ended up going to the SU where many very cheap snakebites were consumed, then onto a kebab place where i went behind the counter and stole some chicken nuggets and then got a cab back. Jess raised loads of money which all goes to charity so it was a good night for all.
I have listened to a lot of Band of Horses recently and eaten pretty much my own body weight in popcorn.

I miss my cat :(

Sunday 20 November 2011

Essay and Birthdays

Monday I eventually managed to drag myself out of bed and head back to Uxbridge. I made cupcakes and researched stuff for my essay.
Tuesday I was back in Wycombe pretty early to see Jess for her birthday. We ate cakes and watched telly most of the day. In the evening we had a few drinks at the Belle Vue, then onto the Goblin where Abigail joined us and then onto Yates. I headed back before everyone else and was kept company by a kebab.

Wednesday I made my way back to Uxbridge. The day was spent writing my essay and in the evening I met up with Jess, Han and Jason for a wonderful trip to Pizza Express :)
Thursday I carried on with my essay. I only have to write my conclusion now and then I'm all done. At 9, Ian and I headed to a studio where Brannigan's Law do their band practise. I was so tired by the end of it but was nice to see Keri and the guys again.
Friday evening I met up with Faye and Luke. It was only meant to be for a couple of drinks before Faye went to work but Luke and I ended up drinking more than intended and made our way to the Treaty for a few shots and snakebites. Made my way back to Ian's for the best cheese and onion roll ever!
Saturday was the day of my mom's 50th birthday party. I headed home to help out around the house and get everything ready. Ian was meant to come and meet all the family and friends but he was ill, was really gutted and upset he couldn't go. Nevertheless I had a great night seeing family I haven't seen in over a year and Jess and Han came. The food was amazing, brilliant fireworks and there was lots of booze. When the party died down I went back to Ian's, we watched Fringe and drank tea.
Today has been spent lazing around in Ian's clothes and watching telly while I was amazed at the amount of fog outside.
I am now back in Wycombe and looking forward to seeing Shaun again as he has been in Wales all week, I have a week of insults to catch up on.

Monday 14 November 2011

Lazy Weekend

Thursday evening I ventured out to the Goblin with Shaun, Ryan, Jess and Abs. There were quite a few people there and the drinks were flowing nicely. I headed to the su with Ryan for a bit to watch some bands but didn't enjoy it much so went back to the Goblin.
Jess informed me that a guy was buying tights for £30+, me being a very poor student and luckily wearing tights took him up on the offer. It's not like he saw me take them off or knows anything about me so I didn't see anything wrong it and considering the tights probably cost me a quid, I made a pretty hefty profit :)
The evening ended up with everyone dancing on the tables and swinging from the roof singing along to "Reach" by S Club 7 and the Fresh Prince song.

Friday I was up nice early to meet Ryan and go to a lecture about essay writing. It was the most boring hour of my life.
As we managed to sit through it we thought it best to reward ourselves with a Subway. After we scoffed that down and received some free Monster from a massive monster truck outside the SU we went to our seminar. I did not like this seminar. It was really hard and made me realise that I do actually have to do academic stuff at uni as well as hands on art :/
When uni was finished I rushed home, prepped dinner and got ready to meet Ian at the train station. We stuffed down the fajitas and I made him watch some Sabrina.
Along with Adam, Harley and Shaun we went to the Goblin to meet Jess and some others for her birthday night out. We ended up at this gay bar called Scorpios which turned out to be pretty good. All the lads tried out their skills at pole dancing and I sampled one if the nicest drinks ever, a watermelon VK.

Saturday was spent in bed, pretty much all day. We watched Fringe and Terra nova, ate a 3 tier plate of nachos and ordered pizza.
Sunday we had a fry-up and watched Gulliver's Travels. Ian then sadly had to go home, leaving me all alone. Shaun is back in Wales, Adam is in Reading with Harley and Jess went home for a party.
Felt pretty shit last night and really missed my mom and friends from home. I then ended up slicing open my finger as I smashed a glass bowl, it was not a good evening.

I am trying to get the energy to get out bed so I can get ready and go home for the day. Need to start writing my essay and get Jess and my mom's birthday presents. No idea what I'm going to get them so need to have a wonder around town.

Wednesday 9 November 2011


I started metalwork on Monday, so no more ceramics for me, YAY! After a massive rush to catch my bus on time I was on my way to Camden to meet Ian so we could go to the Barfly and watch William Fitzsimmons. It was amazing. Had such an lovely time and was great to spend the night with Ian.

Started started early, too early. Had to get the bus back to Wycombe so I could get to uni on time.
In the afternoon I had a throwing class in the ceramics studio. I started off terribly and just couldn't get it and I cut up all my hand but then the tutor said my clay was too hard so no wonder I couldn't do it. After he got me some new clay I found it great fun and made 2 little pots, I'm so proud!

Today I jumped in the car with Jess as she was heading home for a few hours and offered me a ride back. I went to Ian's for a bit, he was ill so we just lazed about drinking tea and watching Castle.
When Castle episodes ran out I headed home. Had a lovely catch up with my mom and raided all the cupboards for food. We had dinner and watched some True Blood.
I then got a phone call from a very annoyed Jess saying her car wouldn't start so we couldn't back. But mom to the rescue gave us both a lift back :)
I have just had a cup of milk and my daily dose of Sabrina the teenage witch so now I'm going to bed.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Remember Remember

Friday I was bit naughty and skipped uni. Just really didn't feel up to it so I lazed in bed pretty much all day. After some dinner and watching Derren Brown with Shaun we headed to the Nags head. It was only supposed to be for a few but ended up staying longer than intended.
Yesterday was again spent in bed, watching Sabrina.
In the evening my Grandad came to pick me up and take me to a firework party at Bob and Heather's. Unknown to me Angela, his new gf, was coming too. Turns out my parents knew and didn't tell me because if I knew she was going, I wouldn't of gone. Very annoyed that she came but not at my parents as I do understand and I did really want to go.
After the journey in the car listening to her go on about herself and how she is taking my Grandad away on holiday I just started crying. Spoke to my mom about it and I got so upset. She really sounds like my nan and it made me miss her so much. I hate that he is seeing someone else.
Other than that the party was great, lovely fireworks, free wine, nice hot dogs and soup.

After getting dropped back in Wycombe I went to the SU to meet Shaun, Tom and Dave. It was Crash night, aka Rock night. When that closed Shaun, a guy called Norm and I went to the Nags for the last night it was open under Tom's management. Everyone drank the bar dry, lemonade fights, dancing on tables and we could all smoke inside, it was pretty weird. By the end of the night there was only Baileys and red wine left so we all did a bomb of it... it curdled... disgusting.

Today has yet again been spent in bed watching Sabrina, I should of really done work but I have been so lazy recently :/

Thursday 3 November 2011

Nostalgic TV

Halloween evening was spent dressed as a cat and going out with Shaun and a few of his friends to the SU. Had a pretty awesome night and met some new people :)

Shaun is taking part in Movember so now looks like a paedo.

Other than going into uni today and yesterday all I have done with my days is watch Sabrina the Teenage Witch and yesterday I treated myself to nachos :)

Om nom nom!