Thursday 28 June 2012

My blog I can say what I want

I picked up the keys for my new house today, we had a big look round and did the inventory. I got the room I was hoping for so all I have to do is get a bed and a light and then I can start moving all my other stuff in :D

The mother and I then went to the old house to tidy up before we give the keys back. The boys had done some cleaning the day before but it was still pretty rank. I cleaned the bathroom, garden and some of the kitchen. I felt sick, the house was an actual tip. I don't understand how someone can live like that, no trouble guessing who most of the shit belonged to... and she hasn't cleaned at all. We give the keys back on Saturday and the window has still not been fucking fixed!!! I'm so fucking angry, how can someone be so incompetent and rude and just plain fucking stupid. I will be so happy to be rid of that place and to never be around that disgrace of a girl ever again.  
I have a lovely evening planned with Ian and a takeaway with our name on it so that should make everything all better :)

Hot and Cold

Saturday the parents and I had a random trip to Brighton. It was a really nice day and luckily the weather stayed sunny. We had a lovely lunch out at Browns, an ice cream on the beach and a look round all of the vintage shops :)

I have decided to take my fitness seriously now so Monday the mother and I went shopping for fitness clothes. I brought some really nice running shoes, a sports bra and some leggings. I went for a run in the evening and my legs still hurt from it! I think I pushed myself a bit too far :/ I also brought some hair dye as my hair was 2 different colours from the last time I dyed my hair so now it's slightly blonder and all the same :)

Tuesday I joined  Ian and his family to the Ice bar for Tom's 21st. We had dinner there too which was one of the nicest meals I have ever had and I got to try caviar for the first time too.

Yesterday evening Keri and I went out for a run. We did a circuit thing at my house which knackered me out before we even went out for the run. We went all round Cowley Rec and then down to Little Britain and had a slow walk back. I felt so good after doing it but quite sweaty.

Friday 22 June 2012


Yet again I have been slacking with blogging and there is no excuse.
Last Friday I went out with the lovely Keri. We went for a few drinks at the Met and Treaty. I ended up getting a little more drunk than expected but we had an amazing night and I hope to go out again soon.
The day after my mom and I went to High Wycombe to do some shopping. I brought loads of new trousers, accessories and treated Ian and I to some Nerds and Twinkies :) In the evening I did some babysitting of the adorable Becky. It was meant to be mom looking after her but I took over. She was so good! Was a bit sad to hand her back to Cathy and Lee. I can't wait to look after her again.
The family came over Sunday for a bit of lunch. Morgan and I spent most of the time playing xbox and watching stand up comedy.
Monday I finally got my hair cut. I literally can't remember the last time I got it cut and it was pretty disgusting  so now it's all nice :)

Wednesday Jess, Han and I met up and went to Pizza Express. Han has now left to go to the Isle of Wight festival and Jess is going away on holiday next week so we wont see each other for a while.
Gutted I'm not going away this year. I really want to get away from all the stress I've had this year with the house. I just don't want to think about it and be somewhere hot. I have been looking for a job for so long and still no luck, but I need a job to go away so looks like I will be in cold little England for a while still.
I have been working pretty hard on my exercise so hopefully the weather this weekend will stay nice so I can go for a jog outside.

Monday 11 June 2012

What's my age again

Well it's been a while since I last updated and much has happened :)
The first Saturday of the month was Rock Night at the Treaty so a few off headed to Ian's for a bbq before, then onto the ale festival at the Malt Shovel and when we were all nicely drunk we went to the Treaty :)

The Jubilee weekend was mainly spent at Ian's as he had a few days off and what a lovely few days they were. We watched the coverage on telly and ate some cupcakes I made. Monday I had the girls over to mine for a bit of afternoon tea with cakes and sandwiches.
Thursday, a group of us went to Watford for a night out. We haven't had a big night out in ages so it was nice to get dressed up and see everyone again, a considerable amount of booze was drunk.

 I received a text from Claire a few days ago informing me that she had a spare ticket to see Blink 182. They were one of my favorite bands growing up and I had always wanted to see them live. Ian being the wonderful boyfriend he is offered to pay for me :D So Saturday evening was spent with Claire and her sister at the O2 watching the amazing Blink 182! They were amazing!

 Yesterday Ian and I started watching American Horror Story and now we only have 3 episodes left. It's brilliant, we couldn't stop watching! Tonight shall be spent finishing that and watching the new episode of True Blood, so happy it's back on I have missed those kinky vamps.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Lovely Outings

After his day at work Ian took me out for dinner at Pizza Express. Of course I had the usual dough balls and chicken salad which was obviously very yummy. We then went to the Met for a quick drink while we wasted time before MIB3 started at the cinema. The film was very good, not as good as the first one but much better than the second. 

Thursday I joined my parents and Ken and Doreen for a bit of lunch out. It was a lovely restaurant right on the edge of the Thames and the food was amazing. 
Friday Ian and I went to the Imperial War Museum. I had never been before so it was nice to go somewhere new. Ian was great to go around with as he told me loads of interesting information and he seemed to be really enjoying it :)