Tuesday 28 February 2012


The past week at home was glorious. The birthday was spent with Jess and Han during the day, eating the glorious elephant cake they made me and watching Jeremy Kyle.

In the evening my parents, Ian and his parents all went to the Cafe Rouge. It was the first time they had met and all went really well. We had a really nice night and my belly was well and truly stuffed by the end. I got lots of lovely presents including clothes, money and Women in Black theatre tickets.
Friday it was out to the pub with a lovely bunch people. We spent most of the evening in the Yarn and there I got rather drunk. A couple of us then went to the Treaty. After a few shots of mini Guinness I threw up and was taken home by Ian.

I'm now back in Wycombe, missing waking up next to Ian every morning and hating the awkwardness in the house but other than that I can't complain.
Still haven't got my laptop, they did send one but the screen was broken so we had to send it back.
Birthday cake and pancake day.

Monday 20 February 2012

Street where the riches of ages are stowed

I am now back home. And I seriously couldn't be happier. Wonderful Saturday spent in London with the boyfriend and getting seriously spoilt. We wondered around Portobello Road for 2 hours looking at the endless stalls of vintage clothes and antiques.

After getting home and out of the rain we started watching season 3 of Sons of Anarchy and ordered pizza.
Today and yesterday were spent lazing about the house doing very little. Just made a pie for dinner so get to tuck into that soon :)

Wednesday 15 February 2012


Unfortunately the lack of blogging has been down to my laptop dying on me. No idea what has happened to it, it just wont turn on. Yesterday Ian and his dad very kindly drove to Wycombe to drop off an old laptop I could use and Ian brought me some passion fruit cheesecake :)
After my presentation on Friday, (which went very badly so we wont talk about that) my aunt and cousin came to pick me up and we made our way to Hillingdon station. From there Morgan and I went to Wood Green, where at the Alexandria Palace we watched The Black Keys and Band of Skulls support. It was amazing!! Have wanted to see them for ages as they are one of my favourite bands and they did not disappoint.

The plan Saturday was to go out in the evening for a birthday but Ian's body decided to turn against our plans so instead he spent the evening throwing up and I went home. I watched Star Trek and ate popcorn with the parents so it was a pretty good evening after all.
Things with a certain female house mate have taken a turn for the worse recently. We haven't spoken in over a week and she hasn't even looked at me the past couple of days. Apparently, according to her and her stories, I am now a massive slut that has slept with numerous people in our group of friends to make other guys jealous... funny I thought that was her life.
To be quite honest I couldn't give a shit what she thinks or says about me, my true friends here have really helped me through everything and for that I am truly grateful. Just really thought when I first met her she would be one of those people, oh well better off without the bloody hassle. Fingers crossed I have a place secured for next year, just need to work out the finances and some finishing touches. I literally cannot wait to be out of this damp, cold, dirty, disgusting, awkward, childish and pathetic place I'm supposed to call home.
Monday, Ryan and I went to a few Weatherspoons as it was cheap night. We glugged down a few pints and had waffles.
Going back to Uxbridge tomorrow for a week. Literally cannot wait, and it's my birthday a week today, so excited about that :)

Wednesday 8 February 2012


Last night at the pub was great, Mark and Ricky came down for a bit. Haven't seen Mark in god knows how long so was so nice catching up with him again. When i got home, in my drunken state, I fell onto my boiling hot heater. I now have a grate pattern on the back of my legs :/
Today at uni was pretty fun. Had some presentations given by our tutors and got to see their work which was very interesting. Then just stayed in the workshop til 4ish.

My first attempts at making a small glass tumbler, pretty pleased with myself if I'm honest. It's blooming hard.

The 30 Day Photo Challenge
Day 8: You Sky

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Nothing much

Not much has happened today. Went into uni, did work. Came home, did work. Now heading out to the pub.

The 30 Day Photo Challenge
Day 7: Favourite
Being a silly bugger with this fine young fella.

Monday 6 February 2012

Not to plan

I spent Friday evening at a party for my friend Laura's birthday. Becky, Zoe, Dave and the housemates all got a cab to the house.
The kitchen was filled with an assortment of booze, party poppers and balloons. Unfortunately I had to leave early so I got a cab back with Jess.

I was up at 7 in the morning to get ready and catch the bus to Uxbridge then to Ian's. We then made our way into London to watch The Muppets at the Prince Charles Cinema. We had a colour coded time table to mark out our plans for the day as it was going to be a busy one. First thing on the list when arriving in London was to get a chinese from China town. However after wandering around every street at least 3 times and every food outlet being closed we decided to get a McDonald's.

The Muppets was amazing! My cheeks hurt from laughing so much and there were some brilliant cameos.
After we wandered around town finding little antiques fairs and books shops and amazing old buildings. (We plan to do this again soon as it was so much fun.)

We had tickets to see Reel Big Fish in Reading in the evening and the plan was to get the train there after a wander around then get dinner in a place called Old Orleans. We found out the other day that this place had closed down so we were planning to find somewhere equally as nice. Ian then got a phone call from his mom informing us that Heathrow had cancelled a third of their flights for the evening so we decided it best not to go to Reading for the gig in case the trains were cancelled and we got stranded there. So instead we headed back to Uxbridge and went to Pangs for dinner as we missed out on a chinese meal for lunch. We then returned to Ian's in the snow and watched Drive with his parents. So although the day didn't go exactly to plan it was still an amazing day and I had such a great time :)

Sunday we attempted a snow man but lost interest very quickly. We just chilled the rest of the day stuffing our faces with some yummy food.
I am now back in Wycombe, had uni this afternoon and now just chilling at the house. Have a heater in my room now so it is pretty warm finally :)

The 30 Day Photo Challenge
Day 6: Makes You Smile

Nights out with these lovely ladies, couldn't find a photo with all of them together so you get two.

Wednesday 1 February 2012


Today has been pretty mundane. Went into uni, went food shopping, had dinner then watched a film. I did however have a bowl of popcorn which I haven't done in a while :)

The 30 Day Photo Challenge
Day 5: Something You Wore