Thursday 13 December 2012

Purple Dip-Dye

I have now finished uni for the uni. It's been such a great academic year, so much happier than I was last year, however the past few weeks I have been procrastinating a fair bit, but hey ho it's Christmas.

Last Thursday I went home. Got quite upset and no one was free in Uxbridge so Ryan came down for the night to cheer me up with Jager Bombs and cider. Went shopping with Mumma on the Friday and in the evening I met up with Nick and a few others at the Yarn.
Saturday was a bit of a blast from the past, met up with Faye who I haven't seen in about a year. We had a lovely lunch then a wonder round the shops and a Starbucks before heading back to mine to watch the Grinch. We met up with some people in the evening at the Met and had a few drinks... I say a few... Faye was wasted and I stupidly walked home with Poove at 3am in -2 weather.
After recovering Sunday, mum dropped me home in Wycombe.
Monday I was invited to the Cineworld Christmas party at the Antelope so went along and got to meet loads of new people which was lovely.
I now have purple dip dyed hair! Wanted it for ages and finally got round to it. Lou did it for me as she had done it before so she knew what she was doing. I love it!!

In sadder news, Tuesday would of been Ian and my 3rd year anniversary were we still together. Was such a horrible feeling knowing that we can't do what we had planned for it. I didn't do anything that day, just stayed in bed and watched telly. I wish I could of gone out and spent it with friends but I honestly didn't want to see anyone, I just wanted to be alone.
Things are a lot easier now than they were but I'm just worried about what will happen over the Christmas holidays. I am bound to see him out and about, I don't know if that is going to make things harder or easier. I guess only time will tell.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Mulled Wine

I still have a bit of a sniffely nose but other than that I'm feeling much better. 
Went out for Beckie's Movember event at the Su last Thursday which was really good. Mikey got insanely drunk and decided to rummage through my bag and through my tampons around Ryan's car... then nearly squeezed me til I popped.
The Saturday was spent at Crash at the SU. As always an amazing night. 
Sunday was a hungover trip to the cinema with Ryan to watch Rise of the Guardians and Silver Linings, one after the other :) 

Had a night in with the girls Monday watching The Holiday, perving over Jude Law, drinking wine and feeling Christmasy :) 
Yesterday after a tiring day at uni the girls and I went to O'neils for our Christmas dinner and a glass of mulled wine. However they fucked up our order, missed out Rebecca's black pudding and didn't have what we originally wanted to order so we got free pudding, free wine and free mulled wine :) Amazing! 
Today I stupidly locked myself out of my house so had to be rescued by Ryan and played Plants vs. Zombies until housemates came back. When I eventually got back home the girls and I went to the cinema to watch Gambit. The rest of the night has been spent trying to keep warm and attempting work for my presentation tomorrow.