Wednesday 22 August 2012

Lots of alcohol in my system

The past week there has been many nights out that has involved alcohol. Last Thursday it was a night out to Electric Lounge with a bunch of people. It was such a great night, the end of the night is a little blurry but apparently I fell over into Subway in the middle of town, I'm such class :P

Saturday  we went out to the Met for the return of Lawson and his wonderful girlfriend Helena. We ended up continuing our night at the Treaty and getting rather merry. It was so good to see everyone again, I have missed that group. Ian and I eventually got in at 4am.

Sunday my parents were having a few friends over and doing a BBQ so I headed home to join. Haven't seen some of them in a while, the last time I saw Megan she was about 4 and now shes 10!
The past couple of days I have just been at home helping about the house and making a few bits of jewelry to sell.
Mom had some bad news from the doctors today, shes been diagnosed with diabetes :/ Her mom had it so we assumed one day she would get it. She now needs to be really careful with her diet and do a lot more exercise. Hopefully she can keep it up. 

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