Wednesday 22 August 2012

Lots of alcohol in my system

The past week there has been many nights out that has involved alcohol. Last Thursday it was a night out to Electric Lounge with a bunch of people. It was such a great night, the end of the night is a little blurry but apparently I fell over into Subway in the middle of town, I'm such class :P

Saturday  we went out to the Met for the return of Lawson and his wonderful girlfriend Helena. We ended up continuing our night at the Treaty and getting rather merry. It was so good to see everyone again, I have missed that group. Ian and I eventually got in at 4am.

Sunday my parents were having a few friends over and doing a BBQ so I headed home to join. Haven't seen some of them in a while, the last time I saw Megan she was about 4 and now shes 10!
The past couple of days I have just been at home helping about the house and making a few bits of jewelry to sell.
Mom had some bad news from the doctors today, shes been diagnosed with diabetes :/ Her mom had it so we assumed one day she would get it. She now needs to be really careful with her diet and do a lot more exercise. Hopefully she can keep it up. 

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Moronic Man

The weekend was spent in Wycombe with Ian at the new house. It was so nice spending time with just him, we watched so much Breaking Bad! We had a lovely lunch out at Frankie and Benny's and went on a lovely walk in the sun in one of the many woods that surround Wycombe. 
Went out with Faye last week. Hadn't seen her in ages so it was so nice to catch up. Luke was there too and I got to meet his new girlfriend, Rosie. She was lovely, we both got so drunk and got on really well. 

The same night I got a phone call from my mom informing me that dad has been in a motorbike accident. He only just got the bike and has already broken it :/ He has broken his arm and his leg so is currently off work and milking it for all it's worth. The first couple of days we got on so well and I was being really nice to him and helping him where I could. Then one morning I just woke up and went downstairs and before I could even open my mouth he was having a go at me. Yet again he managed to turn that around to me not having a job. He is a fricking moron, if he doesn't understand something then whatever I say is wrong. He then accused me of being a sponger and saying I sponge off Ian... Everything I buy is from my own savings, student loan or odd income I get and the things Ian has brought me is because he loves me, I don't ask or expect any of it. Gahhh it just stresses me out so much and I now can't wait to move into the house at Wycombe. 

Anyways enough of the rant, I have been very busy with my summer project and am nearly finished with it! :) 
Keri and I have also been doing well with our fitness however I have hurt my thigh somehow so haven't been on top form the past week but we are still doing well. I really love her to bits, we have so much in common and I can talk to her about anything and everything. Definitely need to have a girly night with her soon :) 

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Ladies night

Feeling rather hungover today. Had a wonderful night out last night with the ladies in Watford, woke up with the standard grazed knee and taste of Subway in my mouth :P

Ian and I have been a bit ill the past week so unfortunately we didn't go to Wycombe over the weekend but we are planning on going this weekend instead :)
I have finally started my summer project and getting on quite well with it. I am kinda missing uni, I liked doing stuff everyday and seeing everyone. Really miss those guys. Can't wait to move into the new house with Rebecca and Lucinda, really excited to see how we all get on and what it's like at the house. Not long now!! :)