Friday 27 April 2012

Cheesy Chips

So Wednesday it was back to good ol' home! I met Ian from work and then we made our way back to his where we watched Game of Thrones and ordered chinese :)
We then met Keri, Alun and a few others at the Met for an evening of drinkes. After playing ring of fire and consuming a good few pints we headed home, discovering on the way that half of the town centre had a power cut, including Liquid, that must of been fun.
Ian departed in the morning for work and left me in bed so when I finally awoke I headed back home to see the mother. We drank tea, ate some lunch and watched Real wives of Orange County, quality family bonding! Ian popped over for a bit after work and when I had hung around for as long as I could I got the last bus back to Wycombe.
After dropping off my stuff at the house I met up with Ryan and his housemate Gemma. We drank for a bit at the Falcon before going to the SU. We drank plenty and had a rather good evening. I then wondered drunkenly back to the house, cheesy chips in hand and then collapsed into bed and I haven't really moved since :)

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Nearly a month has passed without me blogging and I return to find the layout of blogger has changed, I'm a bit confused :/
The more time went by the less I could be bothered so for that I apologise.
I had the most wonderful easter. Unfortunately the nice weather didn't last and we even had hail! Living with Ian was great, was nice to spend every night with him just lazing about pigging out on pizza and watching numerous TV programmes.

 We watched all of Game of Thrones in a day and had a GoT night with Dan when season 2 came out, they ate meat and drank mead. I had nachos and popcorn, not in keeping with the theme but still yummy.
Ian had brought me tickets for Women in Black at the theatre so we had a lovely day in London watching that and nearly crapping our pants.
I had a house party, it wasn't as good as I had anticipated but it was good to have all the folks together. There were many drunken Wednesday evenings out and I'm heading back home tomorrow for this special occasion :)

There were many more wonderful days spent at home but unfortunately I returned to Wycombe on Sunday. And to my delight I discovered a smashed window in our bathroom. I texted Shaun to find out what had happened and of course, it was Jess's fault. She had forgotten her key so on returning home with a guy after a night out and discovering the missing keys, the only logical thing she could think of was smash a fucking window. Who does that?! There are 24 hour locksmiths for fuck sake! So now we have a beautiful bin bag covering the gaping hole in our already freezing cold house. I have never been so angry and desperate to get out of a place. Luckily my housemates for next year seem lovely and we are still on the hunt for a place.

In other news I started watching How I Met Your Mother the other week and am now mid season 4. I can't stop. So I must leave and continue watching.
Hopefully I shall now be more frequent on the updates :)